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The human body is made up of millions and billions of nerves. These nerves are necessary for sensing things around you. They are also essential in controlling the muscles of the body especially the involuntary muscles of most internal organs in the body. You may be wondering where most of your nerves are located. Let's find out the answer.

Obviously, most of the nerves in your body are concentrated in the brain. The brain is the main organ that receives signals and transmits the messages once the signals have been analysed. You feel pain after touching a hot pan because the sensory organ has relayed the message to the brain and the brain responded by telling the body to react and move away from the pan.

You will also find a lot of nerves on your spinal cord. The spinal cord acts as the main bridge between the brain and the other body parts. Most of the nerves relay messages to the brain through the spinal cord. It is made up of numerous nerves. This is the reason why impairment of the spinal cord results to paralysis and other serious conditions. This is mainly because the impairment of the spinal cord can lead to the inability of some nerves to relay messages to the brain.

A lot of internal organs are also made up of nerves including your heart, your stomach, your lungs and your kidney. These vital organs need the nerves in order to easily communicate to the brain. The brain mainly controls the movements of these organs. Even a slight disruption of the signal transmission can be dangerous to the health. Imagine if the brain cannot transmit messages to the heart, the heart may one day stop beating. Therefore, it is necessary for nerves to gather around vital internal organs.

There are parts of your body that are also made up of numerous nerves. One good example is the tongue. This sensory organ receives a lot of signals every day. Every time you put a food inside your mouth, the nerves begin working and relaying taste signals. This is the reason why you can recognize the sweetness of a cake or the sourness of vinegar. These nerves, however, become numb when you suddenly sip in hot coffee or when you eat something very spicy. Another example is your lips. The lips are very sensitive because they have many nerves. This is the reason why people who are kissing usually close their eyes. It is to feel the kiss better and savor all the sensations. Your fingertips and toes are also parts of the body that are made up of thousands of nerve endings. This is why they are very sensitive to pain, heat and cold.

Hi. I'm Rachel Berret, I'm a big fan of osteopathic treatments. I have a great osteopath at Inlign Osteopathy that helps me overcome my own aches and pains when they flare up.

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