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Regular practice of yoga can do wonders for your body and mind. If you practice yoga you will discover that the mind works together with the body to promote overall well-being.

After every yoga class you will feel more energized, more peaceful and very positive.

The practice itself will make you more aware of your body, its movements and its alignment and you will start understanding yourself better. You can prevent back pain by enhancing strength and flexibility, arthritis by providing relief to aching joints and give a relief to tensed muscles.

Yoga practice can help respiratory problems by teaching students how to control their breathing and improve their lung efficiency. It can help in other conditions like: chronic fatigue, diabetes, digestive disorders and varicose veins.

Through practice of yoga the aging process can be slowed down by keeping the body clean, flexible and well lubricated. By stimulating the thyroid gland through some of the yogic poses the body metabolism improves helping in weight reduction.

Yoga works not only on a physical level but also has many psychological benefits as it reduces stress, depression and anxiety helping to increase a feeling of well-being and peace.

It improves memory, concentration as well as social skills and self-acceptance.

The biochemical benefits of yoga practice are: lower cholesterol levels, lower sugar levels, lower sodium levels, increases haemoglobin and vitamin C level.

Yoga is a very enjoyable fitness program, which can be practiced by anyone and from which everyone can benefit. It promotes good health and reduces stress and tension. It stimulates and relaxes at the same time. It enhances concentration and provides flexibility, stamina and strength. It addresses our physical, mental and emotional needs and provides us with lots of health benefits.

Every day practice of yoga can prevent or reduce the need for medication and in some cases can work in conjunction with a medical regimen.

There are many different styles of yoga on the market today and choosing the right one for you could be confusing and frustrating. So, if you are new to yoga try different classes and see which one you like it. Some classes are more dynamic, like Ashtanga yoga and some more relaxed like Hatha yoga.

Remember: after a yoga class you should feel relaxed and peaceful and at the same time rejuvenated. If you don't try somewhere else and find a class where there is relaxation at the beginning and the end of the class.

Ms Barbara is a Certified Yoga trainer and also a Teacher in Physical Education. She is a member of REPs as Advance Instructor level 3.

She have been learning, practicing and teaching many styles of yoga for around 10 years. Her classes vary in dynamics and strength, depending on the level of students. Some classes may be very gentle and meditative, while other very powerful and strong.

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