
There's got to be a reason why so many people don't exercise. This can't continue. There's no good enough reason not to exercise. Our country does so much good for the world. It's time we do good things for our individual selves as well. We're a country full of good people with way too many of us in very bad shape. Our health care costs are rising while our life expectancy and quality of life are falling.

The most common reason (excuse) given for not working out is not enough time. There's a good way to solve this problem: work out at home. If you already work out but often skip maybe you need to shorten your workout. Every workout doesn't need to be 30-60 minutes. Even a 10-15 minute workout is better than zero minutes- especially when multiplied by 7 days each week.

"Going" to the gym takes a lot of time. The "getting there" every day may take more time than the actual workout you'll do once you're there. For this reason alone going to the gym can be a fitness habit killer.

Keep going to the gym if doing so serves you well but don't rely on it. Train yourself to work out in some manner at home too. You'll be better off for this because you'll skip fewer workouts- increasing your chances of sustaining your fitness habit throughout your lifetime.

Few places have more mirrors and people looking into them than a gym. The presence of too many mirrors creates an uncomfortable environment for some people.

Visual reminders of how we've neglected ourselves can work against us. If you see something you don't like you can use your dissatisfaction to motivate yourself to take action but everyone isn't able to do this.

If looking into a mirror is not an encourager for you then don't look. Positive internal results start immediately when you start exercising. Checking your mirror too soon or too often for results is like watching the second hand of a clock as hours tick by. It's unbearable.

The gym can be a life saver when you're injured. Chances are good you're unable to do your usual workout. Your body is in bad shape and you need professional help.

If you're recovering from an injury you may find yourself more thankful for the gym than ever before. This is a time when working out at home may not get the job done.

The variety of equipment at a gym provides multiple options for working out any given muscle- injured or otherwise. At home you may not have an option that works for you. You'll find yourself thinking "thank God for the gym and my physical therapist."

At the end of the day we all should do what is in our personal power to be healthy. Regardless of your reason or excuse there is always a way to get exercise. It all comes down to this: shut up and work out!

Frankie O'Brien and Nina Lomax are 2 moms who use their 80+ combined years of fitness experience and expertise to encourage those who struggle with exercise. Frankie has been working out for 50 years and says " a lifelong fitness habit is a truly priceless gift you give yourself." Nina says "weight training is the closest thing there is to the Fountain of Youth." Learn from their videos and blog. Visit them athttp://www.fithealthylady.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frankie_O'Brien