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In January of each year I often get the same question from prospective clients. "What kind of training do y'all do?" My answer is, "Whatever it takes to get you to where you want to be." I get some strange looks when I say this. People have become accustomed to fitness being a franchise like Curves, Jazzercise, Crossfit, and Pure Barre to name a few. I have to explain how we actually personalize a fitness program to each person, based on their wants and needs, and some folks still don't understand what I mean. That is why I'm writing this article today. I want to help people understand what we do and why we are different.

First let me say that I'm not suggesting that all of these franchises are bad. I am suggesting that in my 19 years experience, I have found that most of the population doesn't fit into a box. What I mean is, each person's body is different. When I started training and teaching in 1995, I had a dream to take a little bit of each of the things that I love about fitness and put it into one workout. I started putting boxing, lifting weights, spinning, running, TRX, foam rolling and more into my personal training sessions with clients and they all loved it. I would get people coming up to me saying, "You are the only trainer that I have seen doing cardio in your sessions, I love that!" This began to light a fire in my belly that I couldn't put out. I was going against the norm of what the typical personal training session was, and I loved it. I began personalizing everything that I did in those sessions based on the wants and needs of my clients and we continue to do that today. I truly believe that it is the highest honor, when people trust me with their most precious commodity- their body. And my philosophy has always been simply the golden rule- Treat others the way that YOU want to be treated.

What I mean by that is much deeper than giving them what they want in training sessions. It's much more than that. It's about realizing that every person that walks through our door is special. It means never saying, "I'm sorry we can't help you." I can't stand that when I'm desperate for help and I go see a professional and they say, "Well, that's not what we do." I always want to be able to lead people in the right direction for the next action step they can take to create their BEST LIFE! That means that over the last 19 years I've developed relationships with other trusted professionals that I refer people to and I know will take great care of them. People like Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Internists, ENT Physicians, Cardiologists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Nutritionists, Advanced Rolfers and more.

This is what makes us different. We Care. We want for each person that walks through our door, the same that we want for ourselves and our families. We want to give them a challenging workout that is safe and effective for their goals, and what their body needs. This is our SECRET SAUCE. We LISTEN to the clients goals, evaluate what their body needs, and then we use all of the tools we have to attain it! Whether it's sprint intervals, dancing on a step or BOSU, lifting heavy weight to get stronger, doing plyometric training to burn fat, doing TRX to get a stronger CORE and improve the body's movement patterns, helping someone recover from an injury or limitation, or helping moms get their body back after having a baby. We DO what they NEED. We make it Fun. We make it Challenging. But most importantly, we do it because it's what feeds our soul!

So here's what I know. I know that there are many great places that people can go to accomplish their goals, but nowhere like Ascension Fitness. The Passion that we have to transform people from the inside out, separates us from any other place you will go. I have been so incredibly blessed to find amazing like-minded people to be a part of my team. I know that my calling in life is to help people feel amazing in the skin they are in, and I know that I will give my all to continue to make that happen. I believe that everyone deserves to be happy when they look in the mirror. I feel grateful and blessed for all of those who have trusted me and my team to help them along their life's journey. I look forward to helping many more become THEIR BEST SELF.

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