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Most of us have this 1 friend who seemingly can eat whatever they want and not gain weight, while we are very likely to be the kind of person who gains weight just by looking at tasty food. And, if we wanted to lose weight in a significant manner, we'd have to drastically lower our calories even lower to do that. It gives us the feeling of unfairness. I know it did to me.

Whether you have a slow, normal or fast metabolic rate can partly be attributed to genetics, but it is important to note that we can increase our metabolism by taking few simple steps as well.

When you seem to be asking why are you even exercising, just think about this: muscles burn fat and they continue to burn fat after you are done with your exercise! That's right, our muscles are like a fat burning furnace in our own bodies. When you are sitting all night in front of the television or laptop, your muscles are not burning your fat, which also means that your body isn't burning any significant amount of calories. The result is that the calories our muscles ought to be burning, but aren't because we are sitting rather than exercising, are now turned into fat by our bodies. This surely is something we don't want.

If you exercise the following occurs:

1. You increase the volume of your muscles.

2. The extra muscles in your body need extra calories so they burn the stored fat.

3. As you exercise, you raise your heart rate which is good for your entire body.

4. When you finish your exercise your muscles continue to require that extra calories so they continue to burn the stored fat even while resting. When you are active your entire body benefits, joints, mind,, lungs, an, of course, muscles., All this will increase your metabolism and will make it easier for you to lose weight.

To Increase Your Metabolism:

1. Start out with an exercise that lasts at least 20 minutes and repeat the routine 3 times a week. This will give a kick to your metabolism and will instantly get you on the correct path towards weight loss.

2. Portion control. We have developed an incorrect concept of the amount of food that we need to eat during each meal. Begin to plan for 5-6 small meals per day. A healthy breakfast, a small healthy snack, lunch, another small healthy snack and then a healthy dinner should do the trick. The healthy snacks will keep your metabolism from plummeting and will save you from having a craving to go get something sweet but unhealthy.

3. Walk. Try to find as many opportunities to walk as you can. It might be as simple as parking your car far far away from work in so your walk is long or you can walk up the stairs and not use the elevator. Be creative! Find opportunities to walk! Scheduling 30 minute walks at 2 or 3 three times a week will help immensely for your health, metabolism and weight loss.

4. Don't skip breakfast. During the night your body has been resting and repairing and now it needs fuel to get you up for the day. Take the time to plan a healthy nutritious breakfast and don't eat for the easy route of eating fast food just because "there is not enough time".

These tips should help you to increase your metabolism. Remember: metabolism can either be a useful friend, or a mortal even when trying to lose weight. Make sure it is the former.

If you want to lose weight and need more information on how to successfully do it, I strongly recommend on visiting this blog: There are a lot of information about how lose it quickly and keep it off forever.

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