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There is nothing worse than being in the gym regularly and not seeing results! So many people have issues with this problem, especially related to the biceps. I bet if I told you that there are just 4 big things that if you did, you would finally see the results you have been searching for, you probably wouldn't believe me. You wouldn't believe me because everyone makes it out to be some top-secret impossible knowledge that only a select few have access to. Since we are giving it to you for free though, you would have to be a fool to ignore it. Here are the 4 ingredients for bigger bicep growth. We will show you why your biceps are not growing and how to grow bigger biceps.

Ingredient 1 - Shock!

For some reason, people love to do the same workout routine every single week. Maybe it has something to do with their comfort zone. Either way, the less you change up your workout, the more likely you are to plateau and stop making solid gains. Your muscles need something that is going to wake them up and doing the same thing every week does not accomplish this.

What to do

Throw some new exercises into your routine. Switch out some of your stale exercises for new ones that will work your biceps slightly differently. Rotate between different exercises every week. Stop doing the same exact exercises every single time you work out biceps.

Ingredient 2 - Heads, you win!

If you are working out both bicep heads, then you will win the bicep game and your biceps will develop well and look great from every angle. Unfortunately, people tend to do the same exercises every week and somehow only end up focusing on the long head or the short head, but not both.

What to do

Ensure that your exercise routine each week is incorporating workouts that target both bicep heads, the long head and the short head. The outer portion of the bicep is called the long head. The inner portion of the bicep is called the short head. There are different ways to work out each of these.

Ingredient 3 - Biceps Only!

This should go without saying, but proper form is imperative to making steady gains and not injuring yourself. Cheating a little bit at the end of your set can be good, but jerking your back, rolling your shoulders, bending your wrists, or moving your elbows with every repetition will only hurt you in the long-run. Watching people in the gym sometimes makes me wonder if they think that bicep workouts are full-body exercises.

What to do

Make a conscious effort to keep better form and technique. If you need to drop down in weight to control it better, then that is what you need to do. If you are cheating, you are only robbing your biceps and destroying the rest of your body. If you need to do other exercises that promote good form, then try things like incline dumbbell curls and isolated curls. They make it harder and more obvious to cheat. Watch our video on technique.

Ingredient 4 - The secret is in the sauce!

You could work out every single day with amazing lifts, but if you are not eating foods and supplements that support muscle development and overall growth, then you are never going to see amazing results. Diet and nutrition makes up a very large portion of how much you maximize the results of your workouts. Just keep in mind that your gym time is breaking down your muscles and what you do outside of the gym is what builds them up.

What to do

Make sure that you are not only focused on your lifts and workouts, but also that you make sure you are getting the proper nutrition. If you need to, plan out your meals so that you know exactly what you are putting into your body and you ensure you are providing your muscles what they need to grow. There is nothing worse than killing yourself in the gym, only to eat garbage and see no results anyways.

For more articles and videos like this, please visit us at, where we have everything you need to maximize your bicep workouts, including a video library, articles, and a blog!

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