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Considering that the topic of motivation regarding weight loss is very important, I've decided to write a second part regarding this topic. The points in this part have also been tried by me and generally gave positive results.

1. Stop procrastinating. This is a big one. Saying to yourself that "I am going to do it later... ", "I'll do it the next day... " and "I am going to do it next week... " can eventually end in not doing at all. Sounds familiar? It probably does, because I believe that procrastination and the possibility of quitting this is a big hurdle you're trying to overcome in your roads for increasing your motivation to exercise and experience true weight loss.

To combat this, try this little technique - your routine may state that you should be exercising Monday, Wednesday and Friday (for example). Now, if Monday is your next workout session, just bluntly say to yourself - "on Monday I WILL be going to the gym". Be motivated and don't betray your own words! Make the decision that on Monday, you ARE going to the gym. There are no "maybes" - You are firmly saying to yourself that on Monday you ARE going to the gym no matter what. Now you are committed to going to the gym on Monday.

What usually happens now is that as Monday gets closer, you will magically find (or at least try to) reasons and excuses why you can't go. Maybe you have to finish a report at work, or rush to the market to buy up some food? Before you even begin to justify your procrastination why you can't make it to the gym, tell that little voice in your head to SHUT THE HELL UP! You've already made a commitment to going, the report can wait, and you can always buy food AFTER your workout.

2. Get support. Talk to people about your goals as well as the decision to exercise. Share your goal with friends and family. The more people know, the better. Tell them why it's important to you that you reach it. In 99% of situations, you will get words of encouragement in reply. This little motivation boost may be all you need to help you stay on track. But make sure you only talk to positive, supportive people about your exercise program, or else the reduction of motivation can also be possible.

This is another very simple technique that people almost never don't put to use. Call your friend and tell them how excited and enthusiastic you are about hitting your goals. You can also read them your written power statement: "Hey, I've got this great new work out routine that I'm following and am so motivated and energized to go through it because I want to achieve weight loss."

Speak to your friend tonight, say the above paragraph word for word and see what reaction you get. I would bet it was a positive one!

So that's it for now. Remember, motivation is a big part of the battle.

If you want to lose weight and need more information on how to successfully do it, I strongly recommend on visiting this blog: There are a lot of information about how lose it quickly and keep it off forever.

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