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How many times have we heard that said by someone who has been on a diet? In fact how many times have we said it ourselves? I will be honest and tell you I have said it many times and proceeded to immediately give away the diet I was on and declaring I will never go on another one again as I am incapable of ever reaching my goal. Does that sound familiar? Unfortunately it does to so many of us. This need not result in a spiralling weight gain like it may have so many times before. We just need to know how to proactively solve this dilemma.

Nothing in this life is easy and dieting is one of those things that does test our willpower and will to succeed. When we realise we have gained some weight, maybe through holiday times like Christmas and Easter or maybe just a bad hair day that extends to a week, we have to have a plan B ready to put straight into action.

I have a plan B and a Plan C that may also help you - I hope so.

Firstly when an occasion comes along that we just know we are not going to be able to stick to our diet and for whatever reason, Plan B is to give yourself a leave pass for anything from a day to a week (no longer or it will be too hard to go back to your diet). Okay, you know you are going to gain weight over this period, so jolly well enjoy it. Do not feel any guilt as you have done extremely well up to now with whichever diet you were on and know you both feel and look better. You like what you see, so you will have the incentive to return. Treat this period as a hiatus.

There are some rules to this of course and the main one is that you make a conscientious decision about whether the occasion coming up is worthy of this diet holiday. Decide how many leave passes you are going to allow yourself during the diet. My suggestion is no more than 4 in a year. This could allow for Christmas, Easter, a wedding and perhaps a special party.

Plan C follows Plan B and that is getting back to the diet. Do not consider this as a punishment for breaking your diet. With the right mindset you will find this quite easy. Tell yourself how much you enjoyed the break but now is the time to not only lose the weight you just put on but to continue on with your diet journey.

This is the way I have managed to stay on my diet (the 5:2 diet) and I plan to get myself back to becoming fit and healthy. I hope this works for you too.

This subject is close to my heart as I have been trying different diets for years. I am now well on my way to a healthy lifestyle change and am happy to share my ideas and tips. Please visit for more motivational ideas and tips.

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