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Binge eating is estimated to affect almost 3% of the population which is almost double the rate for anorexia and bulimia combines. If you truly want to recover from binge eating you have to understand the devastating effects of this disease. It will ruin your life mentally, spiritually and emotionally. But there is a way to recover from binge eating that works and is a permanent solution.
1. Take the focus off diets
The first step in getting binge eating help is to take the focus of diets, restricting food and any form of externally imposed meal plans. These things add to the problem and any time you "slip" off the diet or plan, you get into black and white thinking and trigger an over eating episode because you think you have failed.
2. Eat at regular times
It is vital to keep your body nourished and not go into starvation mode. There is nothing more triggering than a body that is starving and a mind that is obsessed with food. Eat regularly, incorporate food that you actually like and you will see a diminishing desire to binge.
3. Find alternative coping methods
When you do feel the compulsion coming on, there a re a number of different ways to deal with it without giving in. Call a supportive friends or someone within your support network, write out your feelings, distract yourself with something that is nourishing and that you enjoy to do. Compulsions do not last! The more you learn to resist them, the easier it will be to recover from binge eating
4. Visualize yourself as recovered
Seeing yourself as completely recovered is a powerful visualization tool. Image yourself as being completely free of this eating disorder. What would you be doing, what would you be saying and what advice would you give to others who are trying to recover from binge eating?
5. Be mindful when eating
Avoid the mindless eating in front of the television or while you are distracted by the phone and internet. Make it a practice to be mindful of your eating and to really enjoy your food. This will help to reconnect with your body and true hunger
6. Talk about how you are feeling
It is crucial in your eating disorder recovery to learn to express your feelings without numbing them with food. This can be difficult for some people but it is an essential practice to get into. Start by expressing things that are comfortable to you and with people that you can trust. The more you develop this skill, the less you will feel the compulsion to numb yourself out.
7. Learn to love yourself!
This one may sound difficult, but just try it. Try spending a few minutes each day thinking of all of he positive things that you have done, all of the ways that you have been helpful to others and the other blessings in your life. Practice feeling love and gratitude for yourself, for being who you are - perfect!
8. Avoid web sites that promote unhealthy eating disorders
The other vital thing to do in order to recover from binge eating is to completely avoid unhealthy websites that promote disordered behavior. Stick to sites that are positive, helpful and pro recovery.
It is possible to recover from binge eating completely and be rid of the obsession that has been ruining your life. Are you sick and tired of your obsession with food, the lack of self control, another failed diet and hours at the gym only to binge again?
There is a way out and a solution that works!

Do you want complete recovery and freedom from all eating disorders? It is possible to be completely rid of the obsession with food and weight that is controlling your life. Get more binge eating cure tips and learn from someone who has been achieved complete Eating Disorder Recovery
Find out more about how to recover from binge eating and learn from someone who has been completely recovered from binge eating disorder after struggling for over a decade.