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Dieting can be hard and very tedious. Staying stubborn and working on your goals is key to achieving your fitness goals. Here are some tips to help you, staying healthy and not straying from your dieting goals. Just stay strong and stay motivated!

1. Obviously, if you eat less calories then you burn, you will lose weight. But everyone gets hungry, and when this feeling occurs, it is hard to not put on those calories. Eating around 4 healthy snacks a day can help in satiating your appetite so you do not end up overeating. You can separate your calories into separate smaller meals throughout the day. Just make sure that when you eat dinner, it is your last!

2. Try adding a spice and kick to your food. In order to give your healthy food a little kick to help your taste buds, add a little pepper. It will aid in making you full faster so you end up eating less. The more flavor the less you will eat, simple! Just make sure you are adding the spice to low calorie foods.

3. Have your meals ready at hand, or instantly made to prevent you from ordering in that pepperoni pizza, or going to your local fast food joint. Have some veggies or rice on hand to cook up in the microwave in minutes so you can feed that hunger burning in your stomach. Why not cook up a chicken a day in advance, so the next day or two when hungry, you just heat up that naked chicken. Can foods are an also great alternative, feeling hungry? Just bust open that can of beef stew or chicken noodle soup and nuke it for a few minutes... instant meal, hunger gone!

4. Split, split, and split! Whenever you feel the need to go out to eat, or whether it be your cheat day from your normal schedule, try to have a friend who will not mind splitting a plate with you. Not only will you have carved the calories in half, but you will also, (hopefully if you have a good friend) split your bill in half saving you some money. A bonus, you will not have that overly bloated feeling that will make you fatigued and tired, instead you will be ready to kick the days butt!

These are just a few tips you can take to help you not overeat and put on those calories. Good luck and of course, stay motivated!

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