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Drowsiness at work is sometimes hard to beat. A couple of hours after lunch it shows up again. Eye lids get heavy and try as hard as you can, they just keep coming together - magnetized.
Here are 3 yoga secrets to to revitalize your body, help you manage your energy, and put you in a better mood. Let's just say this is not a one shot in the arm solution at 2.00 p.m.. It is a way to manage your energy throughout the 24 hour day. We'll start with the night.
Middle of the Night Soul Food
When you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, going over all the jobs you have to do in the morning, or all the things that went wrong during the day, mentally repeat an affirmation or two. Two well-known ones are: All is well, and I'm getting better and better every day in every way.
Turning over and over the same thoughts that pull you down is like cycling through garbage. Choose instead thoughts that uplift. The challenge will be to remember to change the thought in the middle of the night and break the pattern. See yourself calming the soul in the middle of the night. Body tension will release when you do.
Secret 1 - A relaxed body frees energy.
Wake up Routine
If your routine includes thoughts like "I'm not going to have enough energy today", you definitely are setting yourself up to do just that. Notice what happens in your body when you think that hopeless thought. Give it a try right now. If you are in touch with your body sensations, you would have noticed an energy drop. Affirm instead that you have enough energy to do what needs to be done today. Even if the odds are against it, odds have been beaten. Create that hopeful thought and see how your body responds.
Back to the wake up routine. Include an energizing activity. The yoga tradition offers many empowering morning activities: silent meditation, physical movement, and breathing exercises. Try something to remove any blah morning feeling, shake yourself awake and happy to be alive. And that's before your feet hit the ground. Massage your face, breath consciously and with gratitude, stretch from side to side.
Secret 2 - Start your day with a loving respectful connection to your body and soul.
Keep the Fires Burning
After being awake and productive for 5 hours, it's time for a 5 hour energy check in with the whole you. Reconnect, re-energize and refocus. Yes caffeine will get you wired. The yoga tradition offers another way. Three conscious complete yogic breaths that fill all 3 areas of the lungs: lower, middle and upper. One to 3 minutes of shrugging the shoulders, moving the neck from side to side, flexing the spine. Energize and stay awake at no cost to your nervous system.
Secret 3 - Know and honor nature's laws.
Heather Greaves helps yoga beginners and enthusiasts learn how to befriend body emotions and soul. They say, To learn more of something, teach it. Since 2005 Heather has been training yoga teachers in a certified program. For more yoga tips and information visit Body Therapies Yoga Training