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You want to give vitamins to your children in the form of a healthy and balanced diet. They should consume dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, along with milk, green, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits regularly. Proteins from fish, eggs, chicken, and whole grains such as brown rice and steel-cut oats must also be a part of their diets. Since parents these days are often busy and do not have time to prepare meals at home, vitamins for children can help nurture their growth.
Pediatricians recommend mineral supplements or multivitamins to children who do not eat properly balanced meals or whole foods. Children suffering from chronic medical conditions like digestive problems or asthma, and finicky eaters must take supplements to boost growth. Kids who are active and play sports need taking in supplements. Those who eat plenty of convenience foods, processed foods, and fast foods may need supplements too. Children who are vegetarians may need iron supplements, while those who consume high amounts of carbonated sodas will need vitamins as sodas leach minerals from your body.
Vitamin A is the most important mineral required by children as it promotes growth normally. It also aids in bone repair and tissue development, healthy eyes, immune responses, and healthy skin. Sources of Vitamin A include eggs, cheese, milk, and vegetables such as squash, carrots, and yams. Vitamin B aids with producing energy, metabolism, as well as healthy nervous and circulatory systems. Sources of vitamin B compound include chicken, eggs, meat, fish, nuts, beans, soybeans, cheese, and milk.
You need vitamin C to promote healthy skin, connective tissues, and muscles. Sources include strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and others. Vitamin D you need to promote tooth and bone formation. Sources include fortified dairy products, milk, fish oil, and egg yolks. Calcium you need to help in promoting the growth of strong bones during the formative years of a child. Sources of calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, and orange juice. Iron helps in building muscles in growing children, and is crucial for healthy RBCs. Iron deficiency can create problems in adolescence, particularly in girls when they start to menstruate. Sources of iron include red meats, pork, prunes, turkey, beans, and spinach.
Mega vitamins are not recommended for children as some of the vitamins can cause problems if children overdose on large doses. Unless the child requires cholesterol health supplements, or multivitamins for other chronic problems, regular, home-cooked foods, and natural minerals can help them grow well.
In a today's world people are making sure their bodies are in the best possible condition. Taking their vitamins, amino acids supplements, and even having herbal tinctures and extracts for their hair, is a way they can be sure that they are in the best physical health they can be. Even going as far as purchasing vitamins for children assures that their kids as well can be at their best.