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Today we're going to look at one of the keys to your fitness success - MOTIVATION. We all exercise for different reasons. We all sure want to look good and stay healthy, but for our own reasons as well. Every time I meet with a new client, I always ask them three questions. 1) 'What do you want to get out from your fitness regime? 2) 'Why is this important to you?' 3) 'Why now and not before?' This is crucial in identifying your inner desires that drive you into constant action, together with all the past & (possible) future barriers. Yet, we all rarely think about this. We all want to improve their general health & fitness as the statistics show. So what? I'm not saying it's not right. It's just not compelling enough. You have to dig deeper than that. Otherwise, it's another sudden spark like new year's resolution, and you might do it for the wrong reason. What if you come across a research that shows you that exercise is unnecessary for optimal health, or the new weight loss product with guaranteed results & no effort involved, are you going to STICK?
For example, over-eating your favourite foods or snacks can be a tough habit to get rid of. For the majority of us who overeat, there are certainly foods that cause you to binge on. Here's what you're going to do - identify those foods which triggers you on the road to over-eating. (Go download your online food diary below if you haven't). Record everything you are eating. Now look and see if you can spot a trend. Maybe you see yourself swallowing a few chocolate bars at a particular time, or getting your Sundae ice cream, donuts, french fries or hot dog every time you walk by by a particular street. You get the idea.
Next time the temptation kicks in, try and do something else for a short time. Have a glass of water, go take a walk elsewhere, drive another route or anything to shift your mind off food. If you weren't really hungry, the urge should ease. If you are still hungry after 30 mins, go for a small healthy snack option i.e. fruits, vegetables, yogurt or nuts depending on your cravings.
When we overeat, it's usually an addiction or habit. And you want to break it by switching the trigger before the cravings hits you. You'll need to look at why you overeat and the steps necessary for change.
The temptations & excuses will start creeping in, hence your motivation is going to dip down like a roller coaster and set yourself up for another failure. In fact, I'm willing to bet over 80% already gave up their resolutions within the first 3 months or sooner. Let's be the other minority half. Spend some time aside and ask yourself, so you can be well prepared to re-ignite your passion, tackle any barriers or excuses and keep your motivation spirits up. Start with the three questions!
Take a moment & answer the 3 Questions below truthfully (write them down):
1) What do you want to achieve from your fitness regime?
2) Why is this important to you?
3) Why now and not before?
Ben Yeoh is a Body Transformation Specialist with a degree in Human Kinetics (Health & Fitness) from UBC, Canada. He is an internationally certified trainer, strength & conditioning coach, nutritionist and creator of Weight Mastery U program.
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