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Unless you've been gifted with a metabolism that just won't quit, you, like many others, have probably taken up the not-so-fun art of calorie counting. Health-wise, it's a smart idea to maintain the recommended caloric intake for your height, weight and lifestyle. But that doesn't mean that putting down the Egg McMuffin for an apple will feel good. So we're here to offer you a pain-free way to really feel better, look better and lose some pounds. The best part? It won't cost you a thing. Say hello to your new best friend: water.
I love sweet tea as much as the next person, but the sugar has got to go. Water has no calories, no sugars and it helps you live longer, shine brighter and lose weight. How have we not seen this before? Let's set aside that your skin and hair will benefit from more water and cut right to the chase. How can water help you lose weight?
  • Forget looking trendy with your sports drinks at the gym and grab a water. Unless you're training intensely for an hour or more, you don't need all of the sodium in sports drinks. The sugars and flavors added into sports drinks are designed to keep you drinking. Those who aren't losing large amounts of water from physical training tend to overdrink, retain and bloat.

  • Water is necessary for a healthy body. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues." Digestion is big concern when it comes to weight loss. If you aren't drinking as much water as you should (recommended nine cups for women and 13 cups for men), you probably aren't using the bathroom as much as you should either. Your colon is as long as you are tall, and can store 5-10 pounds of waste per foot. A slimmer and bloat-free midsection can be achieved by drinking enough water for proper colon function.

  • Water is filling. Studies have shown that both men and women who drink 1-2 cups of water before meals will take in less calories. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, fueling overeating and weight gain. In an experiment done by nutrition professor Brenda Davy PhD., adults who drank two cups of water before meals lost an average of 15.5 pounds in four months.

  • Choosing water will mentally influence you to make healthier options. Nobody ever orders water and a bacon cheeseburger. Generally, people are either all in or all out when it comes to their food consumption. Drinking water will help to inspire you to take on a low-calorie diet. (**Low calorie diets don't have to be torture. I present to you: Spaghetti Squash. As an athlete, I've been a proud member of 'Team Carbs' for, well, my entire life. A serving of this tasty pasta substitute - only 42 calories! - has changed the way I see "dieting." Is it dieting if it tastes this good?)
Make drinking water a habit. Grab a reusable water bottle and keep it filled with pure, filtered water for a fresh sip whenever you need it. You can take the water challenge! Before snacks and meals, try to drink 1-2 cups of water. It will either curb that craving or fill you up so you can eat less. Good luck, and if Coach Eric Taylor were dieting, he'd tell you, "Clear water, full stomachs, can't lose!"
Cupcake connoisseur and proud member of the Who Dat Nation, Shelley is a native San Antonian with over five years of professional writing experience including editorial, newspaper, magazine and copywriting. She graduated from Louisiana State University in Shreveport in 2011. Shelley represents Kinetico San Antonio, a San Antonio water softener installation, repair and rental company.