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It could be that you suffered an injury and had to stay out of the workout circuit for a while. Or you just had a period of "exercise de-motivation" that extended to days, weeks and then months. And here you are now, wondering what happened to the shapely figure you just had months ago. Now, all the curves you have are in the wrong places and your feet seem to weigh like lead. Unless you want to die a premature death caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, you need to get your butt moving so you can get yourself to exercise again.
One way to rouse yourself out of your inactivity and restart your fitness regimen is to do workouts that you love doing. Forcing yourself to get a gym membership when you really find this kind of fitness program such a bore is a sure road to experiencing failure for the second time. Think of physical activities that you naturally love doing. If jogging isn't your cup of tea and dancing is, then choose the latter. The cardiovascular benefits are similar. The key is to find substitute exercises that you love to engage in instead of getting stuck in a boring workout routine. If all types of workout exercises don't suit your fancy but you love playing games then find a sport that you enjoy and engage in it. It will not only be a fitness regimen but will also be a good chance for you to exercise in the company of like-minded people who find the competitive spirit inherent in sports games fun and stimulating.
When gym workouts work well for you then by all means re-enroll yourself in one. However, if you plan to use it only for your strength training sessions, then find a gym that allows you to pay on an "as you use" basis rather than those that seek to get you to commit to a long-term membership. You will save money this way and won't have to burden yourself with the obligation of going to the gym even if you don't feel like going just so that you can get what you paid for.
Once you have started to exercise again in a gym setting, focus on your own workouts. With the many people around, it can be very tempting to just look at how others are doing and wish you could be as athletic or use the time to castigate yourself about your reasons for stopping. Instead of thinking to yourself "I could have gotten his abs by now if I just didn't stop!" why don't you just concentrate on your own technique and form? It is much easier to continue if you focus on yourself and not on others.
Finally, you might benefit from hiring a personal trainer. It can be a bit hefty on the pocket but consider it an investment into your health. With a trainer, you hit three birds with one stone. One, you have someone who can really teach you the proper and most efficient way to exercise at the shortest possible time while reducing your risk for injury. Two, you have someone who will really show up at your doorstep at your appointed time whether you like it or not. And three, you have a great motivator who you are also accountable to, making you more likely to continue with your routine once you have started to exercise again.
Want to experience the top home workout program? Read our complete Turbo Fire review and discover how incredibly easy it can be to lose weight with Beachbody's Turbo Fire program today.