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Clients the world over, ask me how to lose belly fat, shape up and feel better. Ninety nine percent of those individuals also inform me, 'I have tried everything and nothing seems to work'. Well I have news for you; nothing will work unless some basic fundamentals are firmly put in place to bolster your health and fat loss quest.


Forget about core training and abdominal crunches, they are more than useless if you are not self-motivated to commit to what you start. Swap core training with core questions.

Get real and ask yourself, "What is the specific reason I am doing this for?" Ask yourself, "What do I want solved in my body?" and "Why is this important to me?"

When your answers arrive, get them out of your brain, through your body and jot them down. In a book, on paper, where ever, just write them down.

Make a long list and verbalize your core answers as often as possible out loud. The more reasons you have and the more engrained they become into your psyche, the more core power you will be able to draw on when the tough gets going. And we both know that tough times are a part of the process of change.

True core power comes from questioning who you are and leads to strong self-motivation and committing to your self. Committing to your self must become priority.

No commitment. No long-term health or fat loss results. Period.

Now write your list.


Is your environment or daily schedule jam-packed? What can be cleared out both physically and mentally so that space in your life can be created?

Cluttered environments and lifestyles tend to slow us down, block us from moving forward and crowd out the potential space that is required for any transformation to occur, fat loss or otherwise.

Do you really need all those books, papers, magazines and meetings? Do you really need to be on Face book so often?

Making space in your life so that you have the time and peace of mind, to do the things your body needs, is crucial. Dropping belly fat requires time and dedication to develop new habits and daily routines. Cluttered houses, work desks and minds do nothing to speed up the process of new change.

As space clears up physically aim to keep it free from clutter and as space becomes available in your schedule, replace it with positive habits that reinforce the answers to your core questions. Here are a few ideas.

Replace eating on the run with sitting down and chilling out at meal times. Replace the all day TV diet with a small daily dose of TV and get away from the addictive flickering screens. Heaven forbid, replace the constant supply of coffee, juices and soda with real water from time to time.

Replace the chaos on your desk with an organizer and the 1.00AM bed times with better sleep patterns. Replace the routine coffee and cake with a walk and talk. Heck, here is an idea, replace the car with pedal power and move your legs!

Making space in your life and replacing old habits with new positive nourishing behaviours is crucial if you wish to drop belly fat and shape up for good.

No new habits. No new you. Period.

Now make some space.

Hayden Rhodes coaches individuals and organizations around the world how to build their health and energy so that performance and productivity in all realms of life and business remain high.

Successful, healthy and happy people know the science and secrets to living well and Hayden teaches these methodologies though personal coaching, corporate seminars, fun team building trainings and proven performance principles.

He teaches a proven ABC process so that anyone can take their power back and play a bigger game at life or at work. He is an avid surfer and 'surfing health nut' who has worked alongside CEO's, celebrities, amateur and professional athletes and even Rock Stars.

For more information on how you can build your body and your business please visit so that Hayden can help you or your team personally.

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