A healthy exercise is just walk. The best walking body position for all 50+ individuals is to try to walk in a straight upright position.
If you want to walk for exercise then you should do it for three times a week, but walking five times would be a lot better. Walking is the best way for your body to function.
The first thing that you should do is to get an approval from your health care practitioner to walk.
All 50+ walkers should use this exercise as a good body movement.
I'm telling all the members of this group that you should walk at least three times a week for 30 minutes a day.
When you walk you it should be in an upright body position, it is important to maintain this walking position or as close to this body position as you possible can. This is what all the experts are telling us.
It is very unlikely that most people can even walk in this position, I am included. This position is for walkers who are pretty young, very fit, in good physical shape, and are healthy. So walking in this position or as close to it as you can is your best bet.
I know that most of us in the 50+ age group do not have the body structure of a thirty-year-old so this is a very hard position maintain. I sure don't use it and most of the walkers in the 50 + group do not use this walking position either.
I just wanted to show my readers the body shape and positioning for walking.
For a good start just try to walk as upright as you can with your shoulders as far back as possible and try to maintain this position throughout your program.
If you walk in this position it should make you will feel a lot better.
When you walk, and are a 50+ year old walker, you should use your feet as a base of support. This support will make you walk more comfortably and feel better while you are doing this program.
Try to walk at a speed or pace that leaves you a little short of breath, but not so winded that you can't talk or carry on a conversation with your buddy.
Besides building muscles in the lower body walking also makes your heart and lungs function better.
Start walking for about ten or fifteen minutes a day and gradually work your way up to 30 minutes. You will find out that you sleep better and that you will feel in good shape.
Try to walk at least three days of the week. That is a good program for all individuals.
In my opinion the proper and best walking body positioning is the one that the Mayo Clinic says we should use to walk. That is the one that I have described above in this post.
They are telling us the best position that we should use and maintain when we are walking. When you use this position you will be more comfortable when exercising.
Remember when you walk you should not have any quick or abrupt movements; and as you walk you should roll your feet from heel to toe. That is the correct functional position for your foot when you are walking.
Moving your feet that way you feel more comfortable and you will function the way your bones are meant to.
If you walk incorrectly with your feet coming down hard on the ground, it is not the way to walk. It may cause problems in your body, hips, or knees that you do not need.
When you walk use a nice, easy, firm step. That is a comfortable way to do it.
The entire 50+ walking group wants to have a good walking exercise and you should follow the technique I have described for walking.
This is Dr. Steven Gamby who wrote this post on Word press "Walking Smart Over Fifty" and I am telling all the 50+ individuals that walking is a good and healthy exercise for you to do.
The best position for all 50+ individuals to use is to walk as close to an upright body position as you can.
If you want to walk at least three times a week it is a good start. Walking five times is a lot better and gives you more exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises for our bodies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Steven_Gamby