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Obesity is a curse and those suffering from it know deep down in their heart that if they were granted one wish from the God Almighty, the one thing they would want is to lose all the extra flab they carry around! Do you find yourself relating to this? Well, you are not alone! At least 30 percent of America is with you. And, the fortunate or unfortunate part about this is, it's mostly the women who are fighting the battle of the bulge daily. But, do not worry! Here we are to tell you all that you need to know about how to lose 30 lbs fast!

Motivation is the Cornerstone of Success

Losing weight is all about motivation, so first things first make a note of why you want to lose weight; just saying it in your mind in not enough. Make sure you write them out clearly and legibly and put in up in a place where it is visible to you every day. Now that you have your goal, start working towards it.

Forget all about crash diets and weight loss fads! Remember there are no shortcuts! If you want to lose weight you've got to work towards it. If you follow these simple but effective tips on how to lose weight fast, you are bound to achieve your target, faster than you think you can! Read on to find some important pointers that you will find useful.

Your food choices will make a lot of difference. You have to cut out all the sugary, fried and processed foods and change over to lean meats, eggs and beans for your proteins. If you are not into the habit of eating too many fresh fruits and veggies, this is the time to begin. Check out the food items that have a negative calorie count and include them in your diet. If you do not know anything about weight loss diets, pull out your keyboard and surf the internet. If you are up to it, you may even consult a nutritionist.

The idea as any dietician or nutritionist will tell you is not to go hungry, but eat more of salads instead of donuts and bagels and drink smoothies and juices instead of reaching out to the soda can or guzzling down litres of coffee! Also, do not eat anything past 7 pm in the evening because everything you eat past this time gets stored as lard in your body.

Rigorous but Interesting Workout Regime

Make sure you workout every day for at least 30-45 minutes. It's best if you can do it first thing in the morning because it helps you burn more calories on an empty stomach. Do not stick to the same exercise routine every day. Have a healthy mix of cardio, lifting weights and yoga. This will not only help you keep things interesting but will also give a shot in the arm to your rate of metabolism. In addition to this get enough sleep (at least seven to eight hours) at night and keep yourself as far removed from stress as possible. This will help you maintain the natural balance of hormones in your body.

Following this regimen may seem like a tall task when you start out, but if you keep your focus and motivation intact, you will find that the answers to how to lose 30 lbs are incredibly simple, and were lying right there for you to implement!

How would your life be if you were sexy and fit? If you take action now, you can lose all that extra fat in just a few months.

This video will teach you how to lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days, so be sure to watch it all the way to the end because it shares some great weight loss tricks for FREE! Watch it here:

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