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We already knew that a healthy diet always includes vegetables. But in spite of knowing the fact that vegetables must always be included to our daily diet, we sometimes forget or find it difficult to follow it. Vegetables are delicious, healthy and natural and they contain many vitamins and minerals. If you can follow a healthy diet rich with vegetables it will make your body healthy and will make you stay away from dangerous health diseases and problems.

Here are some health benefits when you include vegetables to your daily diet.

• Heart diseases, heart attacks, strokes and certain cancers can be avoided with daily and regular vegetable intake.

• Based on the recent researches, people who eat vegetable based meals are less prone to Chronic Illnesses like atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cancers (such as sun cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer), hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes and obesity.

• Daily intake of vegetables keeps bad cholesterol such as serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol at low levels. And keep you away from stone development in your kidneys, gallbladder and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

• One way of maintaining a healthy body, clean arteries and control of blood sugar levels is to increase your daily intake of vegetables at every meal.

• According to experts they recommend that adults should consume at least 5 servings of vegetables every day. But recent dietary guidelines raised the number to 9 vegetable servings.

For some persons just adding 5 vegetable servings to their diet is very hard, then experts increased the number of servings which makes some think that they can't do it. But adding vegetables to your daily diet is not that difficult if you can get creative and implement some simple guidelines that will help you, here are some of these guidelines:

• No matter what form fresh, preserve or frozen, eating vegetables can improve your health.
• Add some vegetables to the foods that you want to eat like salad, noodles or burger.
• Try to eat different vegetable textures into your diet like crunchy (raw vegetable) and soft (cooked).
• Try to cook vegetables with olive oil, salt, herbs and spices for additional flavor.
• Buy many types of vegetables and stock it to your freezer, to change the vegetable serving easily and quickly.
• Use package fresh vegetable salad and add different kinds of vegetables to your salad.
• To maintain your appetite and appeal for vegetables, change the types of vegetables in your diet every day.
• Add vegetable puree to your soup, it's a good ingredient to make your soup more thick.

To get some recipe ideas on more different ways you can implement more vegetables into your daily diet, head on over to []. Implementing these guidelines will help you to get more creative in adding more vegetables into your healthy diet. Stay healthy and fit!

Kelly Kish Trainer, Mentor,and a Teacher and she loves to help other people. If you want more tips from her about weight loss and fitness please don't hesitate to visit her site. CLICK HERE []!

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