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Anti-cellulite products have flooded the market lately, mainly because there are a lot of women out there looking for a fast and easy way to get rid of unwanted, dimply bodyfat. Everyone likes a quick fix, but the sad fact is that no cream, wrap, 5-minute exercise program, fad diet, "toning" device or other so-called easy solution will really bring about the results these women want. Changing your body is going to involve some effort, and the sooner a person faces up to that, the sooner she can stop wasting time and money chasing an impossible dream.
That said, it always helps to have some guidance when you're doing something new. And there are some good and effective programs out there that will greatly improve a woman's odds of success when it comes to taking extra weight off and firming up those problem areas. My website is dedicated to providing reviews of some of the best so that potential customers can make better decisions before opening up their purses.
But before you check them out, let's talk about what makes a good anti-cellulite product. One thing that any good program will do is attack cellulite from several directions at once. Both diet and exercise are important, of course. Deep down, everyone knows this - even if they don't want to admit it! But it's difficult for people who have never exercised before to start working out (let's not even talk about making it a habit), and probably everyone in the world has tried a diet or two and failed to stick with it. So a really good anti-cellulite program will not only provide good nutritional and exercise advice, but will be structured in such a way that it's easy for people with no experience to actually take the advice and start seeing results.
Another (related) thing to consider is how much help a product will give with your mental attitude. It's almost become a cliche, but it really is true: the biggest thing holding you back is probably the belief, deep down, that whatever program you get isn't going to work. There was a study done a little while back that showed that 83% of the people who bought a get-fit plan "didn't make any meaningful use of the information contained within it". 83%! That means more than four out of five people who spent money on something that was supposed to make them healthier didn't even bother to really give the program a chance.
Well, gaining and losing weight is nothing more than physics combined with a little knowledge about how the human body works, and it's safe to say that virtually 100% of the people out there could make significant changes to their bodies if they wanted. No one's body is "magic" (though we all tend to think this way sometimes). So the real point is: how motivated and fired up to make a change does the program get you? A lukewarm approach isn't going to do most people much good.
Another aspect to consider is how a particular program fits in with your personality. Some people like to go all-out and get results as quickly as possible, and they don't care how much pain they have to endure to get them. Others prefer a more moderate approach that might take longer, but is less stressful and has less impact on their daily lives. Some do better in a competitive setting, others prefer to go it alone. It really just comes down to the individual.
Finally, there's the aspect of hormone control. This is something that you rarely if ever hear about, but it's really, really important. Your hormone levels dictate how your body is going to respond to any new diet and exercise that you put it through. This is the reason professional bodybuilders take steroids - the extra testosterone (a hormone) in their bodies makes it much easier to gain muscle. Without the testosterone, even with exactly the same diet and exercise program, their results would be much less dramatic.
It's really hard to overstate how important hormones are. For example, when you start a diet you also start to deplete your body of a couple of hormones called ghrelin and leptin. These hormones control how much hunger and satiation (the feeling of fullness) you experience, and if you deplete your levels too much, your body is going to go into starvation mode and fight like crazy to keep every single calorie that it can. Needless to say, this will play havoc with your dieting efforts.
And all you women know from experience how monthly hormonal fluctuations can affect your mood, your energy levels, your reactions to things... Well, they affect pretty much everything, right? And the physical effects are there, too. You gain weight, retain water, etc. etc. So it stands to reason that hormones will have a major effect on your efforts to reshape your body as well. But it's rare to find an anti-cellulite program that addresses this point... although we have discovered one and reviewed it.
Now that you know what to look for, I hope that you'll be a more informed buyer (or "skipper"!) of anti-cellulite products. Simply put, creams, lotions, fat-jiggler machines and exotic herbs don't work. What does work is a well-designed, holistic program that incorporates the points discussed above. There are good programs out there, but some will appeal more to certain people than others. Pick one that seems like it's the best fit for your particular personality and circumstances, and then be sure to give it an honest try. Commit to at least a month of consistent focus on your goal, and you might just be surprised at what a good program can do for you, your body, and your whole outlook on life.
Evelyn Howard is a science researcher with a strong background in exercise and nutrition. With more than 30 years in the field of "looking good", she knows all of the tricks and scams that companies use to prey on women who want to get rid of cellulite. Don't fall for slick ad campaigns and hype. If you want real information on which products are best for ridding yourself of cellulite, check out the Anti-Cellulite Product Reviews website.