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Hey everyone, so I have previously told you that you should stay active in order to reduce stress. A relaxing activity to enjoy is yoga- "A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility". As long as you can stick to your goal of doing yoga everyday, you will feel more relaxed and will start to enjoy life one day at a time.
1. Set aside a time and place for yoga. Write it down in a notebook and set a reminder on your phone, just remember to get up and do your Yoga at that time! Sooner or later it will go from a habit, to a liftestyle, and then transform to who you are. Find a place that is quiet and where you can focus on your inner strength and inner self. Yoga is about relaxing and unwinding, and you will not be able to do that with a bunch of kids running around!
2. Get well prepared for your yoga session. Put on comfortable, loose clothes (such as parachute pants and a workout tee.) Yoga is about free movement, so you need clothes that will allow for you to thoroughly enjoy the poses. As well, it is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach, so it is advised to practice before breakfast. If you feel the need to eat, drink warm milk with honey to ease your stomach.
3. Find your starting position. I generally start with my feet crossed and my hands rested on my knees. I do so by grabbing my left foot and bringing it high onto my right thigh, then taking my right foot and resting it on my left thigh. Take deep breathes and focus on your breathing for one minute.
4. Mountain Pose. Gradually stand up, feet together, shoulders relaxed, and weight evenly distributed through your soles. Place your arms at your side. Take a deep breath and raise your hands over your head, palms facing each other. With arms straight, stand tall and reach for the sky. Hold for 30 seconds and gradually lower arms.
5. Downward Dog. Start on all fours. Walk your hands forward and spread finger wide. Curl your toes under, and slowly press hips toward ceiling. Your body will look like an inverted V. Feet should be hip-width apart, and knees slightly bent. Hold this pose for 3 breaths.
6. Warrior. Stand with legs 3 to 4 feet apart, with your right foot turned out 90 degrees and your left foot tilted in slightly. Starting with your hands at your hips, relax your shoulders, and extend them horizontally with palms down. Bend your right knee 90 degrees (keeping it over ankle) and gaze over the right hand. While practicing on your breathing, hold for one minute. Switch sides and repeat.
7. Tree Pose. Starting with arms at sides, shift your weight to your left let and place the sole of your right foot inside leftthigh. Once you are balanced, bring hands in front of you and do a prayer position (palms together.) Release your breath, and extend arms over shoulder, palms separated and facing each other. Hold for thirty seconds, lower and repeat on opposite side.
8. Bridge Pose Lie on back on floor with knees bend and directly over heels. With palms down, place hands at side, exhale, then press feet into floor as you lift your hips. Clasp your hands under lower back and press arms down, lifting your hips until thighs are parallel to floor, chest being brought towards chin. Hold for 1 minute. Don't forget to focus on breathing!
9. Triangle Pose. Standing with feet 3 feet apart and toes on your right foot turned 90 degree (left foot at 45 degrees,) extend arms out to side and bend over your right leg. Allow your right hand to touch the floor, or if it's more comfortable, rest it right below or above the knee. Extend your left hand fingertips above head, and reach for the ceiling. Turn head towards ceiling and hold for 5 breaths. Repeat on other side.
10. Seated Twist. (My Favorite!) Sit on the floor with legs extended. Cross right foot over outside of left thigh and bend the left knee. Keep the right knee pointed toward ceiling. Place left elbow to the outside of the right knee and right hand on the floor behind you. Twist to the right, as far as you can. Keep both sides of your butt on the floor and try to move from your abdomen. Breathe and stay for 1 minute. Switch sides and repeat.
(This is my favorite because I have lower back problems and I like the tension in my butt muscles and lower back.)
11. Cobra. Lie face down on the floor, thumbs directly under shoulders. Extend your legs with the tops of your feet on the floor. Tuck hips downward and squeeze your glutes. Press shoulders down and away from ears, while raising chest toward the wall in front of you. Relax and repeat five times.
12. Pigeon Pose. Start in a push-up position, palms under shoulders. Place your left knee on the floor near your shoulders with left heel by right hip. Lower down to your forearms and bring right leg down with the top of the foot on the floor. While keeping chest lifted, gaze down. Pull belly button in toward spine and tighten pelvic-floor muscles; contract right side of glutes. Bend knee to floor and release. Do 5 reps, and repeat. Keep focusing on breathing!
13. Child's Pose (Another Favorite) Sit up comfortably on your heels. Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the floor in front of you. Lower your chest as close to your knee as possible (make sure you're comfortable) and extend arms in front of you. Hold this pose and breathe.
(I personally also like doing the Child's Pose before bed and when I wake up in the morning. It's a very relaxing pose and can help relieve stress in your back.)
I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial on how to do the basic yoga poses. It can seem very confusing, but after doing it every day and getting a routine down, it will become second nature. If doing at home yoga is to complicated, find a learners course at a local gym and follow those instructors. Enjoy!