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When I first started running I felt a bit sore and tight afterwards though I did not stress much. My thigh muscles would hurt terribly. So I thought why not blend yoga with running. Since Yoga is a fitness exercise which centers on the spiritual and physical state of the body. It eases stress, pain, weight loss, etc. Today my article is meant exclusively for athletes who love running and or has taken up running as their profession. During the course of an average mile run the foot strikes the ground at least 1000 times and so the impact of the foot on the body is five times more. Hence it is normal to hear runners complain of thigh pains, sore feet, hamstring injury, etc.
The right combination of yoga poses can help you loosen up your muscles after a long run and keep you tight and healthy. In fact running and yoga can make a good combination for strength and flexibility. Runners who use yoga to balance strength, increase range of motion and practice asana can coordinate their body, mind and soul well. The eventual result will be integrated body mind and soul. While running breathing should be at a normal pace so one practice pranayama. This helps one to breathe steadily and at a normal pace. This also helps one to be at peace and concentrate well on his goal.
Before you begin, remember these precautions:
· Do not start a yoga routine or any other workout without clearance from your doctor.
· These poses are not suitable for pregnant women.
· Each pose should be done in a slow and controlled manner, without bouncing or forcing, which can cause your muscles to tighten, increasing your risk of injury. Stretch in a slow, steady motion to the point of "mild discomfort." If you are stretching to the point of pain, you have stretched too far. Learn to respect your edge-never go beyond it.
· This routine can be integrated into a post-run stretching routine. You can also do it any time of day. If you're not doing the stretches immediately following a workout, I recommend a 10-minute cardio warm-up before starting this routine. Warm muscles are easier to stretch.
· These poses and the accompanying photos are modified for people with tight hips and hamstrings, which is common among runners.
· A breath is one full inhalation and one full exhalation through the nose. Hold each nostril for five breaths, or longer if you like.
First of all, never ignore your body's signals. Take a break when your body needs one. Learn to understand when rest is appropriate. Secondly, start incorporating yoga postures into the warm-up and cool-down portions of your workout. Think of running as the linear part of your workout and yoga as its circular complement.
There is no need to be sidelined by injuries and discomfort brought on by your running program. Chronic injuries can eventually self-correct through a gentle yet consistent yoga practice. Remember, your body is on your side. It has an inherent intelligence to bring about a state of equilibrium no matter how many times your feet hit the pavement. Yoga Therapy can help you overcome all the anxiety that one feels due to over exertion.
Daniel Brewer is a well known yoga teacher. He stays with his wife and two kids in Canada. He shares his view on how yoga therapy has its benefits for runners.