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Let's face it, in this age of fast paced society, convenience foods, and eating on the run most of us end up facing a losing battle when it comes to maintaining our waist lines. Worst still is the fact that when most people decide to do something about the bulging tummy, they just want a quick fix solution. They lose the desired amount of weight and then just end up going back to their old routines, only to gain it all back. Losing weight and then keeping it off requires a more long term strategy. It requires a conscious effort of adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes changes in diet, physical activity and keeping a careful eye on the size of the helpings.
It is common knowledge that in order to lose weight one must burn more calories than they consume in a day and to maintain the existing weight, they must burn all the calories consumed. Some common ways in which one can cut down on the number of calories they consume in a day include:
- Eating foods that have a low calorie count.
- Eating smaller quantities.
- Reaching for water instead of sodas when thirsty.
- Being physically active.
In general processed foods are much higher in calories than fresh, unprocessed foods. So the first step in reducing weight is to increase the intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. Besides being lower in calories, they contain substantial amounts of macro nutrients and fiber which keep one feeling full longer. Another option is to incorporate All-Bran, high fiber cereals with low fat milk into the daily diet. To avoid running to the vending machine, make sure to keep some almonds handy. Just 15 to 20 almonds are ideal for a speedy snack and they deliver healthy nutrients like protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fat that give that feeling full sensation.
Physical activity is just as important to losing or maintaining weight as diet. Diet alone will not put a significant dent in one's weight loss program. This does not mean that one has to dish out loads of money to join some ultra-sophisticated gym or run a marathon. A 30 minute brisk walk is sufficient to maintain weight. To lose weight a 45 minute brisk walk, six times a week, can help to knock off up-to 30 pounds in a year. This is without making any changes to the diet!
Hard as it may be to believe, practicing proper mealtime tenets also helps to keep weight in check. Calculate the number of meals that work best for your life style and make sure to eat at those times daily. Having meals at regular times will eliminate binging. Make sure to sit at a table and eat out of a plate at each mealtime, instead of eating out of a box or packet in front of the television. This allows one to concentrate on their meal and actually enjoy it. Eating in front of the T.V or out of a box makes one lose track of how much is eaten and if it was any good. It takes the brain approximately twenty minutes to get the message from the tummy that it is full. So, eat slowly and chew each bite fully. Even take the time to put the fork down between bites. This way the brain will have sufficient time to get the signal from the stomach that it is full without overeating.