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It's one thing to get a six pack. But if you want to know how to get ripped abs (the kind that pop out and you'll have to clean in between with a q-tip) then you've got to be committed 100%.
I'll say this: It's not easy.
To get that kind of ripped look, you'll definitely have to be in the low, single-digit body fat percentages (around 4-6%).
But, it's not impossible. With hard work, iron-clad commitment, and the two secrets I'm about to share, you'll get there.
First though, let's review what it takes to get abs in general.
For starters, you need to be eating CLEAN. That means no junk food. It also means eating every 3-4 hours, for a total of six meals a day.
You also need to be lifting weights, at least 3 times a week, to prevent muscle loss while you go on your "shredding" quest.
Finally, you need to do cardio.
Just following those three things will get you a six pack.
But here are two secrets you'll need to get totally RIPPED abs.
The first secret is very simple. You've got to put in some serious "roadwork."
Yes, to get a six pack you've got to do lots of cardio. But if you're going to get totally ripped abs, you have to go CRAZY with cardio.
That means pretty much EVERY DAY until you've achieved your ripped abs. It's not uncommon for many bodybuilders and fitness models to do cardio TWICE a day, 5-7 days a week for 30-45 minutes EACH SESSION!
Of course, keep in mind that this insane level of cardio is only done during the "peaking" or shredding phase right before a contest or photo shoot.
It's unrealistic to expect to have completely ripped abs (4-6% body fat) all year round. But there's no reason why you can't have a normal six pack year round (around 8-11% body fat).
So that's the first secret. TONS of cardio. Oh, and by the way ... that's not just "run-of-the-mill" cardio. It means huffing, puffing, huge-puddles-of-sweat-cardio (hey I told you, if you want to get ripped abs, it's not impossible but it takes a LOT of effort.)
The reason for this insane amount of cardio is simple. Your body is naturally hardwired to store and keep fat, in case it ever starves. That's why losing that last little bit of fat is always toughest. It's a battle of will between your physique goals and evolution.
But by putting in serious time doing cardio, your body will have no choice but to use the fat (provided you're still eating right, and working out with weights, etc).
The second secret to getting ripped abs lies in your nutrition.
When they're getting close to a competition or photo shoot, fitness models and bodybuilders change their diet.
While normally they might eat a lean protein, good fats, and complex and fibrous carbs with each meal, as competition time approaches, they usually taper out the carbs.
That means focusing solely on lean meats (like chicken and tuna) and getting their carbs from veggies, like broccoli. Oh, and eating a modest amount of good (omega 3) fats.
And here's one more thing...
To get a little extra boost to their metabolism, many bodybuilders will also cut out any protein powders or shakes, and instead eat only REAL FOOD with EVERY MEAL.
The reason being is that nutritious food has a high thermic effect on the body. Simply put that means your body has to burn more calories to digest it. Ergo, it helps you burn off a few more calories.
So those are the two BIG secrets to getting totally shredded, ripped abs. TONS of intense, sweat-dripping cardio. Then, cutting out carbs and focusing solely on eating REAL FOOD that consists of lean meats, and plenty of veggies and some good fats.
If you'd like to learn more detailed secrets to getting ripped and shredded abs [], sign up for my free 6-part email course. You'll discover all sorts of useful tips and tricks that will help you get the "head-turning" body of your dreams.
In the meantime, feel free to check out my six pack abs site, filled with great articles on losing weight, losing belly fat [], building muscle and looking great.