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The muscles in the back area are often the most forgotten muscles of the entire body. This is primarily due to the fact that the back is not highly visible to a person unless they are looking in a mirror. However, strengthening the back mass will create the ultimate look of strength and physical fitness that many people desire. When creating back workouts for mass, it is very important that you create a well-balanced fitness program that targets each of the four main muscles groups in the back, including the traps (trapezius), middle back (rhomboids), lats (latissimus dorsi) and the lower back (lower trapezius).
The trapezius or more commonly referred to as the traps are located in the upper portion of your back. They cover the back of the shoulder area and extend down to about the middle of the spine. Building up this area of the back will create the dense, thick look you want, which will enhance the depth of your arms and shoulder, as well. Some of the best exercises to include in back workouts for mass, which target the traps are the cable shrug, barbell shrug, upright row and dumbbell shrug.
The rhomboids, also called the middle back, are in the center of the back and are located right between your two shoulder blades. Exercises that are specifically geared towards strengthening the middle back muscles include the bent over barbell row, inverted row, two-armed long barbell row and the middle back shrug. When performing these exercises as part of back workouts for mass, you must be sure to target your exercise to the middle back region and try to refrain from using other areas of the back to complete sets.
The latissimus dorsi, simply referred to as the lats, are the muscles found on both sides of the spine and wrap around to the side of the body, just under the arm. This area of muscles is the part responsible for providing people with that desired triangle form on the back. This may lead you to consider this part of back workouts for mass to be the most important, but in reality only a balanced workout that targets all the back muscles groups will provide you with the desired look. Exercises for the lats area are fairly common and include pull-up, chin-ups, elevated cable rows and one arm pull-downs.
The final group of muscles is the lower back area or the lower trapezius area. This area is self-explanatory and covers the lower region of the back, down to the hip area. This area is often the one most forgotten by those trying to build mass in their back area. Perhaps this is because this area does not seem to become as thick and dense as some of the other areas of the back. Nevertheless, this area is just as important to strengthen because not only will it make you look better but these exercises can also help prevent or reduce back pain. All back workouts should include exercises that target this area, such as the dumbbell dead lift, barbell deadlift and the rack pull.
When starting back workouts for mass, you want to begin at your specific level and slowly increase as your abilities improve. A good standard is to do about two set of 10 repetitions, but some people preferred to do five set of five repetitions. You want to start with a weight level that you are comfortable with and then increase weekly as you are able. The recommendation is to perform weight training exercises at the most every other day and and to plan appropriate nutrition plan that suits training for mass.
If you are interested in finding out more about training, visit my special how to fight site: