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We have heard of the mystery yogis who can slow or stop their heartbeat on the strength of their yogic prowess. We have seen this phenomenon highlighted again in movies of James Bond and other pictures of martial combat where the old Shaolin monks teach their ardent students about the secrets of controlling heartbeat to live longer, endure more pain and fight harder.

Yoga purports to control the working of the heart, which is the first organ to develop in our body, and yoga harnesses its strength, elasticity and power to help stabilize the entire body. The heart with its four chambers, receiving and transmitting blood has the extremely sensitive and connective myofascial tissues that react to every single emotion of the mind and affects the blood flow all the time.
The practice of yoga in America has picked up rapidly in the last 10 years and today it is one of the highly popular exercise regimes there. You can see it best in the state of California in the populous city of Oakland, where people both old as well as the aspiring practitioners pack the yoga institutes to capacity. They look at yoga from the point of view of a better and healthier lifestyle.
People from different occupations, look at yoga from their own personal perspectives. For some it may seem the right way to release stress and tension, by mildly stretching themselves with relaxed breathing, while others use yoga to build up their body and mind strength to succeed in their endeavors, whatever they might be. Practicing yoga for the heart gives your body extra suppleness, strength and flexibility so that the body is now ready for your command, be it sports or jogging or dancing.
Aerobic activity is part of the Cardio exercises and yoga, though not really a part of aerobics, has a large part to play in helping people to avoid the onset of cardiovascular problems. The yoga enthusiasts talk about a relationship between yoga and your heart health and opine that it could play a major role in preventing or reversing heart diseases. Most experts agree though, that there is no question about the fact that yoga is good for the heart in several ways. The general opinion is that any system or plan, which helps to work out your muscles, has a direct and useful impact on the muscles of your heart.
Through the years, yoga too has evolved with humanity and their diseases. Before going in for any kind of yoga practice or postures, it would be best for you to check with your doctor or yoga specialist to ensure that you would be selecting the right postures or Asanas for the particular ailment you wish to address.
Hot Yoga is the right form of exercise for both your body and mind. Click here to know more about North Carolina fitness center.