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I love it when I stay in a hotel with a usable roof. For example: The one I'm checked into this week? It has a large, tiled, 'dream' of an open space on the rooftop, with clear city views all the way around. You can climb the stairs from your room, and watch the sun rise. And from a great vantage point, you've an equally breathtaking view of sun sets, before bed. And yes - as I'm in a 'high-tourist' town, many might deem this open space 'good for photos,' alone.

I, on the other hand?

Well, I prefer a more 'active' purpose, or means of use, for said roof. Like a good, tough calisthenic workout (sets of push-ups, crunches, and squats, with no rest between them) done just before sunrise, as the great 'mass' of city, yet sleeps. A large portion of which was likely 'out drinking' the previous night. Find opportunities like this - the roof workout, NOT the 'drinking,' I mean. Put them to good use. Accept nothing else! And soon? You'll find yourself living inside the type of lean, 'ripped,' attractively built physique many in western culture might, 'die for.'

Speaking of which:

If those folks are of the more standard, 'tourist ilk?' If they happen to be the type who might see a good, open roof as a chance ONLY for photographic opportunities? Well, sure they may get a good 'snap shot,' or two. Yet, you can get some too - AFTER your workout that is! AND, due to your willingness to see that available spot as a bit more perhaps, than 'just another pretty rooftop' - you'll reap rewards the standard, 'snap shot taking' tourist, never shall.

As, with simple, body-weight exercise (or, 'calisthenics'), done consistently: You'll build lean, 'ripped' muscle, head to toe. You'll burn fat, 'like mad.' You'll develop tendon and ligament strength throughout the entire body - in every joint! This will minimize your risk of injury, perhaps tenfold. More: If you're anything like me, you'll likely build a type of mental toughness, unknown to the great 'unwashed' (at least in terms of tough body-weight workouts) largely under-exercised 'mass of Man,' as Thoreau might say.

What's the bottom line here? Well, that tourist with camera on roof, may get the 'prettier' photo album in the end; good for showing friends, family, back home. Yet you'll get something more - much more. You'll get the rather more 'picturesque physique,' which will serve you well for a lifetime. Yes, it's a good deal for you I'd contend, if ever there was! Or my name isn't Jeff Sekerak, a.k.a ---

'The Super-Fit Vegan.'

Want to get into the EXACT type of lean, 'ripped,' athletic shape that causes many in western culture to 'drool,' with envy? I hear you! Which is precisely why I've developed a totally simple fitness plan which virtually GUARANTEES you'll be able to do so - and in 'record time!' The best part? It requires absolutely ZERO fitness equipment, and a minimum of time invested each day (like LESS than 30 minutes). Yet the results from adhering to it, for just a few short weeks are - in the VAST majority of cases I've found - BEYOND 'remarkable.' Learn all about it at

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