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Performing yoga techniques takes self-discipline, as does following a diet that supplements your yoga practice. When you are starting a new diet plan, phase into it slowly by replacing junk food with healthy food.
There are certain foods that you should eat when following a yoga diet. You want to choose foods that are pure, as these foods are well-suited to this type of diet. It is important to understand that most of these diet plans involve eating lots of vegetables. Other pure foods include seeds, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fruits. Try to choose fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in a garden.
Of course, there are also certain foods that you should try to avoid when practicing the yoga diet plan. Since this plan is primarily vegetable-based, meat is discouraged for people who are on this diet. Tamasic foods and rajasic foods are also to be avoided. Tamasic foods, so named for the word "tamas" (darkness), include onions and garlic. Rajasic, or "passion" foods, include hot peppers such as jalapenos, caffeinated tea and coffee, and salt. This diet plan also recommends that you avoid all foods that are processed or refined. You should also avoid ingesting any type of alcohol or illegal drugs.
When following this diet, the way that you cook your meals is equally as important as selecting the correct foods to eat. Studies have shown that eating or cooking food while you are mad or distracted may lead to bad side effects in regard to your health, such as an upset stomach.
As with any diet, eating in moderation is the most important factor. The practice of moderation does not only concern the amount of food that you eat but also has to do with the spices and flavorings in the food. For example, foods with heavy spices, excessive flavorings, or too much grease are not ideal for a yoga diet plan. It is also important not to overload your plate.
There are some exceptions to this plan. If, for health reasons, you cannot eat a vegetarian diet, or if you have food allergies that will prevent you from eating certain foods on the diet, then you need to avoid those harmful foods. Readjust your diet plan to include the foods that your body needs. There is no benefit in eating pure foods that you are allergic to, as you certainly don't want to follow a diet plan that will make you ill.
When practicing yoga for weight loss, eating the proper foods can help you to reach your goals more easily. This diet plan can be followed in accordance with yoga for beginners and advanced students.