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The main reason why many popular diets fail is that many actually starve the body of what it needs nutritionally. The body needs nourishment to function properly. Some popular diets and detoxes are so severe that the body starts eating itself and this process is called catabolism. The body needs protein and if it does not acquire that through good nutrition it will start to break down muscle tissue. You think it's fat and fluid loss that you see on the scales and it might be but it also might be the breakdown of your muscles. Lean muscle mass is so important for your metabolism and burning of calories.

The main difference between a traditional 'diet' and a Nutritional Cleansing System is that weight loss is actually a side effect of cleansing the body of toxins.
A recent press release in the US states that there are more than 100,000 toxic chemicals released into the air, our food and water. Pesticides, cleaning chemicals, processed food and car fumes are just some examples. Accumulated exposure to chemicals leads to toxicity in our body systems. Toxins accumulate in the body and interfere with normal cellular function. This problem leads to immune, endocrine, reproductive and digestive system issues and a compromise in overall health and wellbeing.
There are many causes of obesity and accumulated toxins in the body is also one reason why people put on weight. It also may be the main reason why the last few kg or 'stubborn areas' cannot be budged with more traditional diet and exercise programs. When the body has absorbed a lot of toxins, to prevent 'toxic poisoning' it adds fat and fluid to protect the body cells. The toxins are kept at a safe concentration but only if the body is in an obese state.
Dieting actually stresses the body as the toxins still remain but now in higher concentrations without the fluid and fat of the body to protect the cells. Very often the body will rebound back to the obese state to protect itself from toxic poisoning. This may be why many people often can't maintain weight lost from extreme 'crash' diets if they have lost a lot of weight very quickly.
A good Nutritional Cleansing System works at a cellular level, flushing out the toxins and flooding the body with everything it needs nutritionally. It allows toxins and pollutants to be naturally released from the body and all the nutrients can be delivered to where they need to be. The cells are no longer surrounded in a toxic concentration of pollutants and are less 'stressed'. The effect is that the body no longer has to store fat and fluid to protect itself and any weight lost can easily be maintained and rebound prevented.
Benefits of Nutritional Cleansing
Everyone responds differently but these are some of the benefits that have been reported with people using a Nutritional Cleansing System:
  • Weight loss can be maintained with no rebound
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved digestion
  • Support for general health and immunity
  • Better sleep

Dani McLeod is an Independent Isagenix Cleanse Consultant. You can find out more about the benefits of body cleansing and good nutrition, buy Isagenix products and contact her for advice through her website