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You are about to learn what repetitive motion injury stands for, and whether that muscular pains in certain parts of your body can be termed as such. You will also learn the symptoms that characterize the muscle complications generally known as repetitive motion injury, and you'll get to understand the factors that cause it. Medical procedures for treatments shall also be examined, and basic steps you can take to prevent this condition shall be given. You will be better instructed on this medical condition after going through this piece and know what to do when you come down with repetitive motion injury.

What is a repetitive motion injury?
A repetitive motion injury is a painful medical condition that results when a certain part of your body is overused due to repetitive work strains to that particular part of your body. You might experience this condition if you repeatedly overstrain your arm muscles, hip muscles or any other body parts by overstraining and overstretching that body part to the point of suffering wear and tear to the muscles and ligaments, and thereby sustaining gradual injury.
What are the examples of repetitive motion injury?
Repetitive motion injury comes with certain examples, but you must note that this is a condition that is often localized to a particular joint and body part, and you find the muscles, tendons and bones of that joint or body responding with injury pains. Examples of this condition are bursitis, tendonitis, blackberry thumb, calluses, shin splints and trigger finger among others.
What are the common symptoms of repetitive motion injury?
Some of the first symptoms you might notice with repetitive motion injury is swellings and tenderness to the affected body joints or parts. You might equally experience a tingling sensation, and you might have numbness to the affected part. You may also find yourself unable to use that body part very well without corresponding sharp pains, and you might also observe inflammation and coloration at times to the affected joints and body parts.
What are the medical treatments available for this condition?
Depending on whether you have tendonitis or bursitis, your doctor might suggest an MRI to help him determine the full extents of damage you suffer in order to better diagnose your condition. But apart from pure medical treatments, you could apply a home-care treatment to the affected parts by applying ice packs and local poultice, and making the body part or joint immovable in order to relieve the pains and inflamed swellings.
How can you avoid or prevent repetitive motion injury?
In order to avoid suffering from repetitive motion injury and its complications, it might be advisable to always exercise your body parts daily, and to also keep from jobs or activities that require sudden and repetitive stresses or strains to particular body parts or joints. It might also be useful to purchase bands and splints that reduce the extent of strains on body parts.
Due to the nature of your work as a factory worker or manual laborer, you must know if you'd constantly have to overstrain and overstretch certain body parts in the daily discharge of your duties. It is therefore instructive that when you experience sharp and excruciating pains that are prolonged, that you must see your doctor immediately. But you must discontinue or suspend the use of such body parts until your doctor places you on treatment and you are sufficiently healed. If you are ever diagnosed of repetitive motion injury as a result of your daily job, you might want to speak to your health officer for help, or even consider changing jobs that place so much demand on your physical strength or stamina.
Omedo I. Charles has a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism. A full-time paid article writer/product reviewer, he writes an average of 5 SEO articles/reviews per day on various topical niches for paying clients. Contact him now on for your SEO articles/reviews needs.