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We are now into spring, moving head first into summer. I have a question for you, how is your New Year's Resolution to exercise more and get fit going? For many their motivation to get fit began to waver around early February and the training ended around mid February. To ensure that you enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity, you have to make exercise a habit and this article shows you how.

Tip #1 - Make Exercise Fun, Not Work
There are many different modes of exercise available to you. To make fitness a habit that you look forward to you have to do something you enjoy. Try to find at least 3 different activities that you love to do and make them a part of your life.
Many people who have a hard time sticking with an exercise program usually fail because they absolutely hate what they are doing. If don't like dancing, then why try to force yourself to suffer through a 60 minute dance class? How about biking instead try hitting the trails for a nice walk/run workout? Whatever you decide to do, make sure it involves three elements of fitness: aerobic exercise, strength training for the whole body and flexibility training.
People new to fitness often find that once they find an activity they like, it leads to the enjoyment of other fitness activities. For example if you were to start a walking program, over time as you begin to notice you can walk faster for longer periods of time you might decide to try another form of exercise to complement your walking regime; something like resistance band work or maybe yoga? Once you start seeing and feeling the health benefits of regular exercise, trying different modes of exercise will not seem as intimidating.
Tip #2 - Put Exercise On Your Schedule
Just like you would with a meeting or an appointment with your physician you should schedule your workout sessions. Sometimes the only way to ensure that you have time for yourself is to schedule it on your day planner. Once you make fitness a regular part of your daily to-do list, you will be more likely to stick with it.
It doesn't matter if all you have is 10 minutes, set it aside for physical activity.
Tip #3 - It's Cake After The First 5 Minutes
The hardest part of exercise is actually getting up to do it. The first five minutes you might find yourself doing everything you can think of to talk yourself out of exercising this is where you need to really focus on what you want from you routine and push through.
Usually we don't want to train because we are too tired. Did you know that as little as 10 minutes of exercise that gets you breathing heavy is a natural energy booster? If you make the time to go out for a 10 minute walk, you may leave the building feeling tired but you will return filled with energy and in a better mood; try it.
Tip #4 - Don't be Afraid to Mix it up
Like anything that is done over and over again, exercise can become mundane and less effective as your body adapts to your routine. When you get bored with exercising, you're less likely to stick with it. To prevent boredom with your workout routine, mix it up a bit.
If you're tired of walking, try skating. If you're into weight lifting, try kettlebell training or resistance band work. Go bowling or play a game of tennis or even some baseball once in a while, and if you find you enjoy these types of activities, join up with a team.
Tip #5 - Always Begin by Warming up
Regardless of the type of exercise you choose, it is very important that you begin each session by warming up your muscles. A proper warm up before you begin the work part of your activity is vital to help prevent injury and to ensure a safer more enjoyable session.
Following these 5 simple strategies can help you make physical activity a valued part of your lifestyle. Exercise is one habit that is hard to kick!
For more fitness, nutrition and motivation tips visit me at Exercises For Fat Loss At Home a no nonsense approach to getting you healthy. More about fitness.