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The analogy I'm using here to discuss fat reduction compares fat burning to the consumption of gas in a muscle car's engine. This comparison will read in an energy irresponsible and environmentally unfriendly way. But give me a break here! I'm not talking about precious and irreplaceable fossil fuels. We're here discussing how to have less fat and sadly, body fat is an easily renewable resource.

Suppose you owned a huge oil company and you wanted to drastically increase your revenue. In this instance you have no regard whatsoever for either conservation or the environment. What could you do? Might you market a brand of vehicle that burned an inordinate amount of fuel to decrease the supply and thereby elevate the price? I want you thinking along those lines while you read the rest of my article.
Without a doubt, a muscle car burns through more petroleum than a fuel-efficient vehicle does. The same holds true for an active muscle in the human body as compared to a section of bone. The marrow of a bone does use some energy to produce blood and a growing bone requires some of the maturing body's resources. But once you've reached maturity, your skeleton is going to burn about as much fat while you're alive as it would propped on a stand in an anatomy classroom. Muscle burns fat - lots of fat.
Your objective in the paragraph above was to burn off as much fuel as possible. Bigger cars with more powerful engines would do that and so would the building of larger muscles accomplish the objective of increased fat burning. I could say these three words together all day and you would do well in your fat reduction objective to commit them to the forefront of your mind. Muscle burns fat. And the bigger the muscle is means the greater amounts of fat it will burn.
Now I'll factor in fat burning supplements. This entire article has said muscle burns fat but there are supplements out there that claim they burn fat. Wrong! They do not cause you to have less fat. They don't invoke some wild chemical reaction that automatically consumes fat leaving only lean muscle in its place. Supplements do not replace muscle for fat reducing process: they only supplement it.
Suppose your body was horribly and impossibly unbalanced in that you had some bone to support your frame and on it was nothing but fat. You could take any fat burning supplement you could find and eat the pills by the handful and you still wouldn't have any less fat. Muscle burns fat - period.
My whole point here is that if you want your body engine to burn as much of that undesirable renewable resource as possible, then the more muscle you have, the faster your unwanted fat will be burned away. Do you really need any fat burning supplements? No you don't. Do you really want to use these supplements? Sure. Why not help your body in any way possible to become the lean, mean, fat burning machine you want to be.
I'm Russell Twyce. I advocate using both a good fat burning supplement and your bolstered willpower to achieve your lean muscle physique and have less fat.