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It's important to note that there's also no end-all exercise that guarantees weight loss in a short time. The secret is always consistency and a strong diet to go along with your exercise. That said, here are 5 of the most effective weight-loss exercises out there to pair up with a healthy lifestyle.
The Four-Minute Workout
Popular on YouTube, this workout was developed by the Japanese to promote higher metabolism in minimal effort. The idea is simple: 20 seconds of four different manoeuvrers each followed by 10 seconds of rest, then repeat the cycle. This is a great one for most people for several reasons.
First, it's four minutes! If you can't devote four minutes a day to helping yourself lose weight, the problem isn't your routine, but your drive.
Second, there's no fitness equipment needed. Everything involved is cardio-based and revolves around simple techniques anyone with a few feet of space and a timer can do.
Third, you really only have to do it once a day. The object of this exercise is to boost your metabolism for a full 24 hours, so one set in the morning is all it takes for it to go to work.
A metabolism-booster that's become a favourite for Fitness Magazine, supersets are essentially what they sound like - intense sets of exercise repetitions.
Requiring only two light dumbbells and a chair (weight benches work fine here, too), the idea is to run through 8 different sets of workouts fast and with minimal breaks, similar to the four-minute workout above. According to Fitness Magazine, women can burn up to 300 calories over the 24 hours following the workout alone, on top of the calories burnt during workout.
Stair Treadmills
Running on a stair treadmill can burn over a hundred more calories per hour than moderate jogging alone. If running is one of your preferred exercises, but you want to spice up your weight loss routine with something a little harder, try bringing a treadmill with stair features into your home gym, or subbing in an elliptical for a similar workout. (For a more economical method, consider a step platform.)
Jumping Rope
Remember doing this as a kid? Turns out, we were on to something incredible. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the leading health and research centres in the world, jumping rope burns more calories than any standard aerobic activity, draining well over 800 calories an hour.
Of course keeping this up for an hour is a feat all its own, but try working this into your routine in smaller sessions every day.
If you're a basketballer, you'll be glad to know you're burning major calories every time you play. Research shows an hour of playing can dissolve nearly 600 calories for many adults, and since it's essentially a game, you won't feel like you're "working out" when you do it. Going over the one hour here is probably easy to do as well if you really enjoy it, burning even more calories.
John Randy Orton is manages commercial fitness equipment now a days. He is a leading source of what's hot and what's not in fitness equipment Melbourne.