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In my recent years working with people and helping them lose weight "eating cleaner" has always outweighed the working out part. More often than not, people have a hard time eating right than working out. I thought I would create 10 steps to doing so. Give you an idea of areas that you may need to improve on or work on! I truly hope these help you! Copy, save, write them down whatever you have to do to keep them as a reminder!

Cook More Meals at Home
This is an easy way to shift more of your resources toward whole food and potentially save money. Plus, many restaurants rely on highly processed food to create their meals. You will end up eating 3x the amount of food at a restaurants than you would at home. To make home cooking easier, master a few recipes with simple ingredients that you can whip up quickly and that will feed the family for days. Some of my favorite can be a healthy pasta with lean turkey or even a awesome homemade chili! Cooking can help you appreciate and enjoy your food more.
Check Your Pantry
Right now you should check your pantry and cupboards for any highly or heavily processed foods. Many will be in box forms and on the inside aisle of all stores. Your goal should always be to shop on the perimeter aisles.
Set Yourself Up for Success
Your environment has a huge influence on the things you do on a daily basis. You want to set small attainable goals than a drastic change in your eating. If you are used to drinking a liter of pop a day I highly recommend you don't quite cold Turkey! Start cutting back a little each day. Slowly start to replace the bad things you drink with good things! Like water! When we give up things we love instead of trying to make a healthier version of it we throw in the towel and give up PERIOD.
Moderation is Your Friend
Many ask what it to much, what it not enough? Try to not think of certain foods you love "off limits" When you ban certain foods or food groups it is natural to want those foods even more. Kind of like when you say don't open that, what do you want to do? Open it right? Same thing with food. When people say don't eat that it makes you want it all the more. If you have 100 calories of a not so healthy snack during the day like a candy bar or pieces of candy then deduct a 100 calories later from your evening mill or push a little harder in your workout!
Choose A Smaller Plate
Have you ever heard the phrase "my eyes were bigger than my stomach?" Most of the time there is only big plates to eat off of which in return, subconsciously, we put more food on the plate. We get to a point where we say we are hungry but don't want the food to go to waste so we still continue to eat even though 4 bites ago we were full. Stick to a smaller plate. You will serve yourself a smaller portion and realize you will be full. It will not save on hundreds of calories.
Sometimes Its How You Eat It
More times than not it is just something that we gulp down in between meetings, when in the car taking the kids to school or running later to work. Eating with others is a great way to be a model for healthy eating habits and has numerous social and emotional benefits. Eating in front of the TV or computer usually will cause mindless snacking. Always take time to chew your food. Reconnect with the joy of eating your food.
Protein Is Your Friend
Protein is great for giving us the energy to get up and go and keep going. It is broken into 20 amino acids which is the building blocks for our growth and energy. A lack in protein can slow growth and reduce muscle mass.
Limit Your Sugar and Salt
Sugar causes ups and downs in your energy. It can also add health and weight problems. Most of your sugar can be hidden and found in bread, canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce and margarine.
How sugar can be hidden on food labels:
  • cane sugar or maple syrup
  • corn sweetener or corn syrup
  • honey or molasses
  • brown rice syrup
Eat Breakfast Every Morning
It truly is the most important meal of the day. It jump starts your metabolism. Eat within an hour of waking up. It also helps keep away hunger and cravings.
Limit Alcohol Consumption
Have one glass of non alcoholic, unsweetened beverage for each alcoholic beverage consumed. People can consume their calorie intake for the whole day and MORE in just a few alcoholic drinks. Choose wine, light beer or drinks mixed with no calorie beverages.
Some of these may have come to you pretty easily BUT we often forget and have to be reminded constantly sometimes what we are putting into our bodies. Remember that any improvement is better than no improvement at all!
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