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It was previously thought that for most people exercising right before bedtime was a hindrance to better sleep. A recent study found that wasn't really the case; a reported 83% of respondents said they sleep better after they exercise, even if it is immediately before going to sleep. In the same survey people who say they exercise moderately to vigorously slept better on workout days than days than when they didn't work out. Generally speaking it can be said that exercise regardless of when it is done allows people to sleep better.

So to summarize the findings exercise-induced insomnia may be a bit overstated than previously thought. But there are a few people who do have issues with trying to sleep after working out. Plus there may be some gray area in this whole issue which we will cover shortly. If you are avoiding exercise at night because of what you've heard, it might be of some benefit to see how exercise affects you. You might find that you have been avoiding late evening workouts without just cause.

However, if you are one of the few who are severely affected here are some tips to help you gear down so you can sleep better. Getting enough sleep is easily as important as getting enough exercise, and it is quite possible that more people have health issues due to insomnia then you to lack of exercise. So getting proper sleep is a high priority.

1. Try not to over-exercise. Too much exercise can activate the stress response and elevates stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. The stress hormones help you perform daily physical activities by increasing blood flow to the muscles due to increased heart rate. Cortisol typically peaks shortly after waking up and then declines during the day, and reaches its minimum right before you go to sleep. But an intense workout session can kick the cortisol levels back up again.

If you must exercise before bedtime, a less strenuous workouts regimen may be better. This would include Pilates or yoga, and might mean that HIIT should be left for another time of the day.

2. Be careful with what you drink when you exercise. Many people drink coffee to enhance their workouts gains, but caffeine in the late afternoon or evening can be a real problem for sleep. Also, you must drink plenty of water as becoming dehydrated during your workout can lead to sleep issues.

3. Take a hot shower or bath. Bringing the body temperature up just before bed with a sauna, shower or hot bath can facilitate sleep. When the body temperature suddenly drops when getting out of the sauna it will help the body shut down, getting you past the stress that your exercise routine just put you through.

4. The type of exercise could be a factor. Sometimes it's not just the exercise, but what goes along with that exercise. Personally, I have never had too much trouble exercising before bedtime, but when I used to play indoor soccer some of our games were late in the evening. At these times I had difficulty sleeping for about two hours after the games, but that probably had more to do with the intensity of the competition than the actual physical work out.

When going on a program, alleviating stress can be a big help. Weight training, cardio workouts and many other forms of physical training can be accomplished better with a professional trainer. Rich Carroll is a writer and health enthusiast living in Chicago.

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Maintaining commitment to a weight loss strategy is a challenge for many. In the beginning, we are optimistic about realizing our goals, and achieving them seems easy. After a while, your motivation wanes and you cannot push through in your workouts like you used to be able to do. Many people, however, fail to experience this frustration. Achieving weight loss goals and keeping their goal weight is something some people do. How do people maintain their goal weight for so long?

What you want to do in the beginning is decide your specific weight loss target. Do you want to fit back into your favorite outfit? Do you have a weight in mind which you would like to achieve? Are you interested in overall fitness and health?

Seeing your weight loss progress written down may be the motivator you need to stay on track. Implement a weight loss diary in which you can record every food and beverage you consume. Review your journal entries before you go to sleep to make sure you are staying on track with your caloric goals. Record your weight every week in this journal too. Try using graphs to visually represent your progress and help motivate you in your journal.

It's easy to make snap decisions when a lack of food options are available. You will not think about healthy choices, in fact, you are more likely to crave high calorie foods. Keeping snacks with you and ensuring you are eating regular meals will help avoid this. Be sure to plan your meals and have your food prepared in advance so you will not be tempted to get fast food. By doing this you will cut back on calories, and save money too.

You need to eat good foods and exercise regularly in order to successfully lose weight. Fitness routines can be difficult for some people to follow long-term, even though those same people can easily adopt healthier eating habits. By choosing activities that you enjoy or getting a workout buddy, you can make it easier to stick to your workout plan. Combine the two if you find it to be necessary. Go to a fitness class or on a walk together.

If you have junk food in the cupboards, it makes it extremely hard to resist it when temptation strikes. If your pantry is stocked well, with foods that are healthy and nourishing, you are well on your way to readjusting your eating habits in a positive manner. When you have healthy food around you will make better choices. Be sure to have plenty of healthy options available, such as veggies, fruits and nutritious snacks. If you do not have junk food in your cupboards you will be less likely to overinduldge. You will find it easier to break your junk food habits when you make nutritious alternatives handy and keep the unhealthy stuff out of reach.

You should have a support system made up of good friends and family. Your friends can help motivate you to lose weight. Having someone to report to makes it more likely you stay committed to your goals when they seem too hard to reach. When you need a little pep talk, pick up the phone and talk to a friend. Your friends can give you the added morale boost you need to continue your efforts.

I have put together some tips for people who are serious about losing weight [] please visit my website which has essential information and help for people who want to lose weight. []

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To successfully burn body fat you need an effective all round fat burning program. But it has to be done correctly and in a way that you can stick with so that you don't put the fat back on when you stop. Here are 5 quick tips to help you lose body fat starting today.

1. Don't Restrict Your Calorie Intake Too Much.

If you restrict your calorie intake too much, your body thinks that it is going into starvation mode, so responds by slowing down your metabolic rate to make the most of the food it is getting. For your metabolism to operate efficiency and burn calories, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, lean meats and whole grains. These foods will keep you full, and are not stuffed with saturated fat, sugar and calories.

2. Don't Miss Out Breakfast.

To kick start your metabolism out of its resting metabolism rate you need to fuel your body after sleeping. Having a healthy breakfast helps to wake your system and get it working to burn body fat. If you're skipping breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and high calorie snack foods during the morning.

3. Get Yourself Moving.

Research shows that after sitting down for 4 hours or more, your system produces less of the enzyme that helps to burn body fat and cholesterol. But, by just standing up and moving about kicks your system back in to gear. If you sit down for your job, ensure that you get up and move around for 5 minutes every hour.

4. Have An Effective Exercise Program.

Cardiovascular exercise burns fat and the most calories, but just for the period that you exercise. When you stop exercising, the calorie burn stops. On the other hand, strength or resistance training goes further. You burn calories while you are exercising and you also burn calories after you have stopped exercising. This is because your metabolism needs to restore the glycogen, or energy, back to your muscles. The best exercises to burn body fat are a mixture of both cardio and resistance training.

5. Have A Weight Loss Plan.

One of the main challenges that people face when they try to lose body fat is that they see the change in lifestyle as a prison sentence. But you have to remember that you are actually trying to have a healthier lifestyle. You need to make your diet and exercise routine work in such a way that you can maintain it. If you're too restrictive and don't allow yourself to have anything you enjoy, you won't be able to keep it up.

Do you want to learn more ways to burn fat and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE eBook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

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Before I detail out - particularly for weight loss - top 10 superfoods (among many others), let me tell you something. I am in the health and fitness industry for more than 25 years now; such vast experience has made me realize the fact that weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance (overall good health) directly depends on the given four factors that are vital and keep diseases at bay.

* Eat everything - each and every veggie, fruit, fish, dry fruit, meat, poultry, grain, legume, lentil, even oil, butter, cheese, clarified butter, salt, sugar, coffee, tea - all have one or the other health benefit. If you want to eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle, it is still not late; BUT you must have knowledge about the benefits.This knowledge is not only for you, but for your future generation also - you have to show them the correct way to a fit and healthy life. Yes, if a person suffers from some major health issue(s), then obviously he or she has to be temporarily careful with what to eat and what not to eat. This is a different story altogether.

* Eat in "moderation" - yes, this is the KEY to a good, nutritious, healthy lifestyle.

* Eat home - cooked food - whenever possible; BUT make sure you cook nutritious food (and not fast/junk food!)

* Say NO to processed food - I know we all are leading busy life and it is not always possible to keep a check on whether we are eating processed or unprocessed food. Still, try to avoid eating processed foods as much as you can - for your own good health to start with.

Well, you must add these top 10 superfoods to your diet, if not daily diet - at least thrice a week - and feel the difference (provided you don't eat junk or empty - calorie foods with superfoods). But of course, you have to give time - don't expect miraculous weight loss overnight!

Top 10 Superfoods to add to Diet for Weight Loss

Yes, you have read it correct; add these nutrition - dense superfoods to your diet ASAP to derive maximum health benefits - especially where weight loss is concerned.

Superfoods #1: Broccolis

This veggie tops my list of superfoods and is included in my daily diet. It is an excellent source of fiber, manganese, vitamin K, vitamin C, and folate. High amount of vitamin C in broccoli acts as an excellent immune booster and folate helps maintain good heart health. The fiber promotes excellent digestive health and helps lower LDL.

Eating broccoli daily helps in reducing inflammation of muscles, especially in people who are very much into sports and gym.

Superfoods #2: Beans (powerhouse of nutrition)

Beans (be it kidney, spherical, white, black, string - whatever) have always been compared to meat in terms of calories and have been considered to be meat substitute. An excellent source of protein, iron, fiber and water, beans help in weight loss in a healthy way. Out of all the types of beans available, white beans steal the show where iron content is concerned - it is very high.

You can either cook beans separately or mix beans with some other foods - either way, it is very healthy.

For that matter, even fresh green beans are good and help in weight loss.

Superfoods #3: Nuts

I have found that most people, who are trying to lose weight, are scared to eat nuts - pistachios, cashew nuts, walnuts and almonds. Nuts have somehow been blamed as that which "adds to bodyweight". It is true if you go overboard with nuts that have 80 per cent fat and very high calorie contentand overeat; it is not true if you eat nuts in moderation.Nuts are powerhouse of protein, vitamins and minerals, and the fat content is to some extent healthy for people with heart disease.

Out of all the nuts available, almonds have the lowest calorie content. Rich in calcium, vitamin E and fiber, almonds improve your skin condition and texture, and helps fight cancer. A daily dose of 6 to 8 almonds is beneficial for good health.

Therefore, if you are scared to eat nuts, leave your fear aside where almonds are concerned.

Superfoods #4: Salmons

Known as a fish with too much fat content, know that this "too much fat" is very healthy as it has very high omega 3 fatty acid content.This fat actually helps in lowering your LDL (by increasing the levels of HDL that helps in removing LDL from the arteries) and heart - related diseases.

Superfoods #5: Spinach

Rich in vitamins C, A and K, in protein and iron and with very calorie, spinach is an excellent veggie that helps in weight loss. Otherwise also, it is very helpful for health, especially for those who suffer from anemia. You can eat it in any form - raw, cooked, soup, salad, whatever way you like - it works wonders.

Superfoods#6: Cabbages

Yet another veggie for people who are on weight loss, it is known to contain vitamins C and K in high quantity, and folate. It helps keep RBCs very healthy. You can eat it in any form - raw, cooked, soup, salad, whatever way you like.

Superfoods #7: Carrots

If you want to boost and improve your immune system and also lose weight, this veggie has enough vitamins B6 and A, and carotene as an excellent healthy food.

Superfoods #8: Blackberries

Known to help in losing weight, the low - calorie blackberries contain vitamins K and C, fiber, and are excellent antioxidants. Blackberries are good breakfast option.

Superfoods #9: Red & White Grapefruits

Yet another fruit (both red and white) known to shed extra weight, red grapefruits contain vitamins C and A, and pantothenic acid. This acid helps the body to transform the macronutrients (carbs, fats and proteins) in great sources of energy.

White grapefruits contain potassium (helps with muscle cramps), vitamin C and folate. Both red and white are excellent breakfast option.

Superfoods #10: Green Tea

My all - time favorite! Excellent to reduce visceral fat round the belly, green tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants and EpiGalloCatechinGallate (EGCG). This EGCG is known to prevent growth of certain cells that cause cancer.

Drink it any time of the day but without adding milk and sugar; my personal suggestion would be not to drink green tea after 7 pm - it may disrupt your sleep.

Start with these top 10 superfoods for weight loss and add to your diet.

To take care of weight loss, simple foods that are easily available in the market, would help. Of course, you must know when to eat them, what should be the quantity and what's the nutrition value of each.

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Did you know that more than half of all children in the United States are not vigorously active on a regular basis, and only 1 in 5 adults meet the recommendations for physical activity?

Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for a host of chronic diseases. Physically inactive children are more likely to be overweight or obese, and they are more likely to be overweight and obese adults. Children learn and copy habits from their parents. If their parents read, they are more likely to read; if their parents eat healthy, they are more likely to eat healthy; and if their parents are physically active, they will be physically active.

The American Heart Association recommends children and adults participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days of the week. Benefits of this level of physical activity include improved academic performance, reduced levels of stress, reduced risk for obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, and improved cholesterol levels, psychological well-being, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Making physical activity a family event allows you, the parent, to multi-task. You can get the exercise you need, make sure your children are getting the exercise they need, and spend quality time together as a family. To make family fitness a success, make sure to select age-appropriate activities - keep it simple and fun for everyone. Make family fitness a family tradition that everyone looks forward to.

One of the simplest ways to exercise as a family is to go for a walk together after dinner. You can use this time as a family to talk about your day. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends that everyone walk or run 10,000 steps each day. Basic pedometers are inexpensive. Many can be purchased for less than $10. Buy one for each member of your family. Encourage everyone to wear the pedometer for a day and compare the results. Have children practice math skills to determine how far off the family is from the recommended 10,000 steps a day. As a family, discuss ways to increase the number of steps walked per day such as taking the stairs instead of elevators and escalators or parking further away from your destination.

Other ideas to increase physical activity as a family include playing frisbee or catch, having a playful family soccer match at the local park, hiking, and bike riding. Indoor activities could include running in place or doing jumping jacks during commercials while watching TV or dancing in the living room to your child's favorite CD.

Families that get active together are happier and healthier. The key is just to get out there, get moving, and have fun!

Need help getting started! Sign up for a 30 Day Fitness Challenge today! Contact me through Facebook at

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Walking to lose weight is one of the best ways for a 50-plus individual to get in shape, and it is a program that is great for your health also.

Walking is an easy activity for you to do and is a healthy exercise program for all fifty-plus members.

The group members should be involved with walking to lose weight. It is an activity that is terrific for you and easy to do.

You should first check with your health care provider to make sure that walking will be all right for you to do.

All members should walk every day. Walking increases your mobility, and it's great for your fitness.

Walking as most 50+ have found out is a very good and easy activity.

The experts say that a person should walk at least 5 days a week to get the most from this program.

A daily 30 minute walk, which you can split up into two 15 minuet or three 10 minute sessions each day. It does a lot for the individual's physical status.

It is a very effective exercise program for you. If you walk for your health or any other condition that you may have; your whole body gets the benefits.

Even people who have moderate arthritis of the legs and feet can greatly benefit from walking. It will make your legs stronger and easier to move.

A walking pole or cane can be used to reduce the strain on your legs and feet. They are carried in your hands and each one is broth forward as the opposite leg moves. The above claim is made by many health experts.

Walking will improve your whole body a great deal. You can see that if you are walking, either for leisure or as an exercise, it does a great deal for you.

No matter what age group that you are in.

It is not an expensive sport either, and you can do it just about anywhere that you want.

It will loosen up your stiff joints among other problems.

It can be a very good exercise for all diabetics; if you have diabetes, as a lot of seniors do these days, remember that walking is a great exercise for you.

Now I will just go over the items that a walking fitness program can do for your health.

1. You can walk by yourself, with a partner, or with a group of interested people. The partner or group that you are walking with can be from your senior club, church or synagogue, or anyone way that you know enjoys walking.

2. You should walk at least 5 days a week. Walking is a good activity to lose weight, and you will enjoy doing so.

3. You can split up your walk into a few times a day. You should try to get up to 30 minutes on walking days.

4. A daily walk is good for your body if you have some arthritis or any other physical condition. Walking is a good program for you.

Walking as an exercise that will also help you maintain a healthy weight, and lose some of those extra pounds.

Walking is a great activity for all 50-plus members to do. It will get you in physical fitness as a fifty-plus citizen.

Walking is a terrific fitness program. This is Dr. Steven Gamby. This article is a great method for all individuals to get involved in their health status. This program will do a lot for you to get healthy again.

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A healthy exercise is just walk. The best walking body position for all 50+ individuals is to try to walk in a straight upright position.

If you want to walk for exercise then you should do it for three times a week, but walking five times would be a lot better. Walking is the best way for your body to function.

The first thing that you should do is to get an approval from your health care practitioner to walk.

All 50+ walkers should use this exercise as a good body movement.

I'm telling all the members of this group that you should walk at least three times a week for 30 minutes a day.

When you walk you it should be in an upright body position, it is important to maintain this walking position or as close to this body position as you possible can. This is what all the experts are telling us.

It is very unlikely that most people can even walk in this position, I am included. This position is for walkers who are pretty young, very fit, in good physical shape, and are healthy. So walking in this position or as close to it as you can is your best bet.

I know that most of us in the 50+ age group do not have the body structure of a thirty-year-old so this is a very hard position maintain. I sure don't use it and most of the walkers in the 50 + group do not use this walking position either.

I just wanted to show my readers the body shape and positioning for walking.

For a good start just try to walk as upright as you can with your shoulders as far back as possible and try to maintain this position throughout your program.

If you walk in this position it should make you will feel a lot better.

When you walk, and are a 50+ year old walker, you should use your feet as a base of support. This support will make you walk more comfortably and feel better while you are doing this program.

Try to walk at a speed or pace that leaves you a little short of breath, but not so winded that you can't talk or carry on a conversation with your buddy.

Besides building muscles in the lower body walking also makes your heart and lungs function better.

Start walking for about ten or fifteen minutes a day and gradually work your way up to 30 minutes. You will find out that you sleep better and that you will feel in good shape.

Try to walk at least three days of the week. That is a good program for all individuals.

In my opinion the proper and best walking body positioning is the one that the Mayo Clinic says we should use to walk. That is the one that I have described above in this post.

They are telling us the best position that we should use and maintain when we are walking. When you use this position you will be more comfortable when exercising.

Remember when you walk you should not have any quick or abrupt movements; and as you walk you should roll your feet from heel to toe. That is the correct functional position for your foot when you are walking.

Moving your feet that way you feel more comfortable and you will function the way your bones are meant to.

If you walk incorrectly with your feet coming down hard on the ground, it is not the way to walk. It may cause problems in your body, hips, or knees that you do not need.

When you walk use a nice, easy, firm step. That is a comfortable way to do it.

The entire 50+ walking group wants to have a good walking exercise and you should follow the technique I have described for walking.

This is Dr. Steven Gamby who wrote this post on Word press "Walking Smart Over Fifty" and I am telling all the 50+ individuals that walking is a good and healthy exercise for you to do.

The best position for all 50+ individuals to use is to walk as close to an upright body position as you can.

If you want to walk at least three times a week it is a good start. Walking five times is a lot better and gives you more exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises for our bodies.

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