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Carrying around extra weight isn't just bad for aesthetics, it has negative effects on your health. Excess fat, especially the kind that accumulates around your waist, increases the risk of developing dangerous medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. This is why slimming down is such a big deal.

Though you have every right to be concerned, you shouldn't let yourself get desperate. There are tons of pills and fad diets on the market labeled as the best way to lose tummy fat fast, but most of them are made just to take your money. The true way to lose tummy fat quickly is absolutely free and all it takes is making some tiny changes to your lifestyle.

Start Doing Cardiovascular Exercise

If you actually think your tummy fat will disappear if you do thousands of sit-ups, you're in for a letdown. Spot reduction isn't real! People keep spreading this myth because they're either trying to sell you a phony product or because they're too lazy to do their research. Exercising your abdominal muscles only make them larger and, since yours are hidden under tummy fat, it can actually make the bulge look worse.

Don't forget that the true key to losing tummy fat fast is making a calorie deficit and cardiovascular exercise has the most calorie-burning potential. Instead of doing sit-ups you should go for a long walk or run. If you don't have the time to spend long hours exercising, then try something like high intensity interval training. This makes it possible to do intense workouts in small burst. Just 30 minutes of something like this each day could have an extreme effect on your tummy fat.

Make an Effort to Reduce Stress

When you become stressed out, your body starts creating something called cortisol. It's a steroid that signals all your other organs that hard times are approach, which causes your body to begin conserving energy and do everything it can to hold on to that extra fat.

If you remain stressed for long periods of time, the fat stores you normally carry in your butt and hips will be transferred to your tummy as visceral fat. Holding on to large amounts of this fat can be deadly and it also makes an enzyme that is converted into even more cortisol. This starts a viscous cycle that you can only end by reducing your stress.

If you want to lose tummy fat fast, you have to relax. Regular exercise should take care of some of your stress but you might want to take it one step further. Set aside some time to unwind every day by doing something related to your favorite hobbies.

Gain Healthier Eating Habits

As I've said before, losing tummy fat fast is mostly about making a calorie deceit, or making an effort to burn off more calories than you consume. At least part of that deficit has to happen by changing your eating habits but this is no excuse to starve yourself! Instead of focusing on eating as little as you can, you should try to eat better foods.

Research proves time and time again that a diet high in refined carbohydrates and other process foods lead to more tummy fat. That means you should be eating lots of lean proteins, fresh produce, and whole grains. This change will also cause you to consume more fiber by default, which will curb your appetite naturally by keeping you feeling full longer.

Try to Get Enough Sleep

How much you sleep has a big impact on the levels of many hormones in your body and some of them can make or break your efforts to lose tummy fat fast. The two most significant hormones affected by your sleeping patterns are leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for telling your brain when you're hungry and leptin signals fullness.

Skipping just one night of sleep (getting less than 8 hours) can cause your body to overproduce ghrelin and under produce leptin, making overeating the next day nearly guaranteed. Stop letting sleep deprivation sabotage your attempts to lose tummy fat fast! Sleep for at least 8 hours every night.

Dealing with tummy fat can be a struggle, but losing it should be your top priority if you wish to live a long and healthy life. However, don't let yourself get so desperate that you throw all your money away on fake pills and worthless fad diets. You don't need miracles to lose tummy fat fast, just a calorie deficit. Follow the tips I've listed above and you'll be amazed at the results.

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