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Do you think that the need for proper sterilization of surgical instruments is overrated?

It can never be emphasized enough!

Sterilizing medical equipments is an elementary procedure, necessary for the health and safety of individuals. Sterilization of surgical instruments was first introduced by Joseph Lister who was a surgeon and the pioneer of antiseptic surgery. Historical records show that the Ancient Romans used the sterilization procedure of introducing the medical instruments to a heat flame. But, the process was not followed by other civilizations, which resulted in high mortality rates, especially due to infections contracted during surgical procedures.

The sterilization of surgical instruments is vital for ensuring the safety of the patient who is to undergo a surgical procedure. The process also ensures that no transfer of dangerous diseases or ailments, results because of the usage of non sterilized medical equipment.

During different surgical procedures, the doctors use the medical instruments to remedy the suffering or ailment of the patient. But the surgical instruments need to be properly sterilized after the procedure, as they had been exposed to the interior organs and blood of the patient. Any negligence in this process can result in the transmission of dangerous diseases from one individual to another, and the high probability of contracting severe infections.

Furthermore, if non sterilized surgical instruments or medical equipment are used, it increases the risk of contamination and infections during the treatment procedure. Different forms of bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. might be present on an instrument and cause life threatening diseases or infections, when exposed to the sensitive organs of a patient. Medical Sterilization is a process which completely eliminates all forms of life from the sterilized equipment or instrument, removing the chances of the contraction of any disease or infection. Whereas, sensitization and disinfection do remove a considerable amount of life forms from the treated instruments, they do not completely eliminate them, posing a considerable risk of infections.

With the advancement of modern technology, new and more accurate sterilization methods have been devised, to ensure that patients are treated with the safest equipments, during their treatment. Sterilization of surgical instruments is done by moist heat steam sterilization,dry heating,or treating them with different chemicals, to ensure that the surgical procedures are as safe and contamination free as possible.

It is very important to ensure appropriate sterilization practices of different surgical and medical instruments, to ensure better treatment and reduced risk of contamination. Research in the field of science not only recognizes the importance of sterilizing medical equipment, but also constantly devises new methods to ensure safe and healthy treatment of individuals.

For more detail please visit this: dry heat sterilization

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