
For those who wish to make the transition to a vegan diet - there are three steps outlined below which you should endeavor to follow. For the beginner vegan, the thought of going vegan overnight can seem quite scary. Be assured however, that you do NOT have to make this lifestyle change overnight, but you can make the transition gradually. The following 3 steps show you how to start a vegan diet successfully and gradually.

Get Informed
Before you begin any lifestyle change, it is imperative that you get yourself well-informed. This means researching everything that you can think of about the vegan diet. Thorough research is essential for the beginner vegan as this will inform you what to expect, what challenges may arise, how to deal with the social challenges of being vegan, how to stay motivated, what health benefits to expect, what emotional and spiritual changes may occur, etc.

Get Motivated
For those new to the vegan diet (vegan newbies!) or to the concept of it, you need to get yourself motivated! I mean, you need to really get yourself hyped up and excited about going vegan. Why? Being eager and enthusiastic to start your new vegan journey will help ensure success and will make you strong when challenges and obstacles arise along the way.

So how can you get yourself motivated?

Read success stories of others. Seek out success stories from other folk who have reaped similar benefits from the vegan diet (to those benefits of which you would like to experience). You can find heaps of amazing success stories on you-tube, which are truly inspirational!

How else can you get motivated?

Many folks think that food on the vegan diet is boring. Well, they are wrong! You can get yourself motivated to begin the vegan transition by finding and collecting a range of delicious, mouth-watering vegan recipes. You should collect a variety of vegan recipes including recipes for vegan meals, lunches, breakfasts, snacks, cakes, easy & quick vegan meals, desserts, etc. Collect your recipes online, either fromwebsites, blogs, or professional vegan recipe e-books.

Start Your Transition
Gradually begin the transition to the vegan diet. One by one, and preferably in the following order, eliminate the following foods from your diet:

1. Red meat
2. White meat (chicken)
3. Fish and seafood
4. Cheese
5. Eggs
6. Butter/cream
7. Milk

Don't try to rush to the next stage of the transition if you are not ready. For example, if you are up to stage 3 of eliminating fish and seafood, but you are finding this stage hard, do not panic! Move on to the next elimination stage at a comfortable pace when you are ready. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

Get vegan recipe e-book advice and information at "The Vegan Diet: Save Our Planet - Lose Weight - Glow With Health." Find out the amazing health benefits of the vegan diet, why weight loss is so easy on this lifestyle, where to get your vegan recipes from, recommended vegan recipe e-books, and what to do if you are unsure about going vegan.

Alternatively read about the vegan raw food lifestyle at http://www.fortheloveofrawfood.com/ for information and ideas on raw food recipes and weight loss on the raw vegan diet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loren_Antonios