
For those who are new to the vegan diet, the thought of suddenly abstaining from all meat and dairy products can be absolutely terrifying. In today's society, most folk incorporate meat, dairy and eggs into a large percentage of their daily food intake. Therefore, if it is your desire to adopt the vegan diet, and you are overwhelmed at the idea of leaving behind your favorite foods overnight, you should instead make agradual transition to the vegan diet. The following 8 steps explain how to start a vegan diet with success!

The Gradual Transition For The Beginner Vegan:

Step 1: Eliminate red meat

The first step should be quite easy. Cut out all lamb, beef, pork and other red meat from your diet, but still allow yourself to eat white meat (chicken, fish and seafood). Also be aware that you can buy meat-free "bacon" and vegetarian "mince" from most supermarkets and health stores. When you are starting to feel comfortable not eating red meat, move to the next stage.

Step 2: Eliminate chicken

Only eat fish and seafood products for a period of time, and avoid all other meats including chicken. Get used to preparing meals without meat, and start researching recipe ideas for vegan meals.

Step 3: Eliminate Fish & Seafood

By now you will be going completely vegetarian. Instead of eating meat and seafood, your protein will now be coming from legumes (chickpeas, lentils, black beans etc.), whole grains, tofu, vegetarian "patties," vegetarian "mince," and other meat-free products such as vegan "bacon." Remember that nowadays you can get a ton of vegetarian foods in the supermarket. Get to know the products and brands available. Also, don't be afraid of tofu, it can be extremely versatile and delicious if cooked properly. It has the ability to absorb the flavors of other foods and spices that it is cooked/marinated with, so find out how to cook it so it will taste delicious!

Step 4: Eliminate Cheese

This is the first stage of the transition from vegetarian to vegan. For the beginner vegan, the thought of abandoning cheese products can seem quite down-heartening, since many folk enjoy cheese on a daily basis: on their pasta, in their salads, on their sandwiches, in their sauces... the list goes on! But if you want to eventually reap the many amazing health benefits of the vegan diet - you must eliminate cheese from your diet. If this is difficult for you (most probably), then buy some of the mock-cheeses (vegan) from your local store.

Step 5: Eliminate Eggs

This is also a difficult step for many, but be aware that eggs are an animal product, and therefore giving them up is a must for those who wish to go on the vegan diet. You can make many yummy mock egg dishes with tofu (e.g.: tofu "scrambled eggs"), and if you follow a great recipe and get the flavors right - you likely won't even miss your eggs!

Step 6: Eliminate Butter & Cream

You've now eliminated all your solid animal foods from your diet. The next recommended stage in your transition to vegan is to abstain from butter and cream, and all products containing these two ingredients. You can use many other oils and fats instead such as olive oil, coconut oil, and vegan margarine. You will have to cook most of your vegan sweets now, since most cakes and treats at cafes and stores contain butter and eggs.

Step 7: Eliminate Milk

This shouldn't be too hard, since there are many vegan alternatives to milk nowadays. You can drink soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk, etc. You can cook or bake with these healthy milks, eat them with your cereal, or simply drink them from a glass!

Step 8: Get Some Vegan Recipes

Now that you are 100% vegan, and all of your meals from now on will be vegan, you need to collect a lot of tasty vegan recipes! You can find some great recipes online on websites, blogs, or by purchasing a professional vegan recipe e-book. Your recipe collection should include a diverse range of recipes, including vegan meals, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, cakes, slices, muffins, desserts and quick meals.

Get vegan recipe e-book advice and information at " The Vegan Diet: Save Our Planet - Lose Weight - Glow With Health." Find out the amazing health benefits of the vegan diet, why weight loss is so easy on this lifestyle, where to get your vegan recipes from, recommended vegan recipe e-books, and what to do if you are unsure about going vegan.

Alternatively read about the vegan raw food lifestyle at http://www.fortheloveofrawfood.com/ for information and ideas on raw food recipes and weight loss on the raw vegan diet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loren_Antonios