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To become healthy you have to think healthy and this is why many people these days are turning to alkaline food diets. This is excellent for both your health and for your body. People on this diet have claimed they not only feel good but also have more energy, an improved digestion and much less mood swings than before they started.

What Is an Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet is basically eating alkaline foods. The foundation for this diet is vegetarian. To get the best from this diet we will give you some guidance below.

Vegetables would be arguably the most alkaline food around. Easy to buy and easy to prepare.
Try to choose whole grain foods rather than processed ones because processed products do not have the same nutritional content.
Some acidic foods such as limes, lemons and grapefruits turn to alkaline after digestion so are very useful for flavouring.
Other acidic foods also able to be used in this diet are coffee, cola, and broccoli, artichoke, asparagus, beetroot, spinach and cauliflower.
Avocado, celery, garlic, ginger, onions, pumpkin are ideal vegetables to include.
Tomatoes, pears, papayas, mango, apricots and apples can be included.
Nuts to use are sunflower seeds, almonds, and walnuts.
Oats, brown rice, and also almond and brown rice milks as well as coconut and coconut water can also be used.

Foods to Avoid

Red meat, poultry, dairy products and fizzy drinks are the foods that are the hardest to digest. Your kidneys have to take minerals which are vital for the body, like calcium and magnesium, from the bones in order to dissolve the acid in these foods.

This is not to say that small quantities of the above cannot be used to supplement and add variety to your meals. You will soon realise exactly what you can and cannot use, as your body will soon tell you.

Move towards this alkaline diet gradually. If you eat a lot of meat or love dairy foods like cheese, it may be best to try an alkaline diet meal 3 times a week to start with, so your body does not go into shock. Any diet has to be approached gently and once your body accepts the new foods being offered it will thank you by looking and feeling good.

As a guideline the pH of alkaline in our blood is measured from 7.35 to 7.45, and the level of acid is from 1.0 to 9.0.

Changing your lifestyle by adopting this alkaline diet could make you feel a lot healthier than you do now. For more information on alkaline diets please visit

Changing to an alkaline diet will give you more zest for life. For most people, the result is their skin improves, they do not feel so lethargic and generally feel much better. For more information on alkaline foods and diets please visit

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