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For many, diet is a four letter word that no one wants to hear, and yet, we use it all the time. The main reason we all struggle with weight loss is because we give ourselves a deadline when we diet. Why would one ever give a deadline when eating healthy? The answer is, people do not necessarily eat healthy when they diet, but rather use starvation to lose the weight.

Starvation diets may give you some weight loss in the early stages of your diet. However, because your body is so deprived, your starvation diet may not even make it past the early stages. This is why the average person will go on a so called diet 3-4 times every year.

After initial weight loss, your body will adjust and adapt. One of the first things your body will do when not getting enough energy(calories) will be to slow down the metabolism. You see, the key to weight loss is to ramp up your metabolism, not slow it down. When your metabolism is slowed, your body will actually store more fat, not less. Ever hear of a skinny fat person. This is one who rarely eats, yet appears to have no tone and skinfolds everywhere.

Another consequence of this type of diet is your body will begin to use muscle tissue as energy rather than fat stores. So once again, fat stays put, and now your muscle is being used. Another side effect of losing precious muscle, is that your body will lose much needed water. Your muscle is roughly 75% water. We need water for muscle function, brain function, healthy heart, etc.

The next thing when on this starvation diet is that other functions will begin to shut down. This usually begins with the non vitals. An example would be sexual function. That's right, the activity many of us enjoy may perhaps be rendered useless while you lack the proper caloric intake and nutrients.

There is a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is secreted by the body by the adrenal gland. This is a stress hormone and can be dangerous when secreted too much. Cortisol is ever present in our bodies when our body is stressed due to lack of nutrition.

These diets may also lead to kidney, heart, and many other diseases.

So, in the end, the key is nutrient abundance, not deprivation. When deciding it is time to go on a diet, work on the ways to fire up your metabolism, not sabotage your whole body for the sake of weight loss.

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I am certified in nutrition and coach people, just like you, all around the nation to great health. I show folks how to eat properly, and make it a lifestyle that they enjoy. Eating healthy is a choice, unfortunately, so is being unhealthy.

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