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The first step to toning the abs is to understand that it is impossible to burn the fat over your abs by doing sit-ups, crunches or any other workouts for abs. The only way to reduce the fat over your abdominal muscles is to reduce the fat over your entire body, which can only be accomplished by implementing a calorie deficit in your body. The healthiest method for creating a calorie deficit is to combine consistent cardio, flexibility and strength-training exercises with a healthy, reduced-calorie diet.

The abdominal muscles function like most other muscles in the body. Too many people spend an inordinate amount of time focusing solely on their abdominal muscles while doing workouts for abs. They over-work these muscles on a daily basis instead of the proper method of exercising them 2-3 times per week. Rest and recovery is as important a step in building the abdominal muscles as actually training and exercising them.

When doing workouts for abs, he abdominal muscles that you use most are called stabilizer muscles, and these should be targeted from Day 1. A fantastic exercise for the stabilizer muscles is called the plank: in the pushup position, hold your body as straight as possible with your belly tight. Remain in the plank position until you can hold it no longer. And remember to breathe!

Another very challenging of the workouts for abs is to lie down with your legs up toward the ceiling and your knees slightly bent. Point the soles of your feet straight up in the air and imagine you are holding a your mother's finest china serving dish on the bottom of your feet. Now lift the china dish toward the ceiling until your hips leave the ground. You should be able to feel the burn just reading these words! The secret to rock-hard abs is really no secret at all. Proper diet with total-body strength, cardio and flexibility training, including specific abdominal exercise, is your ticket to a tight and firm tummy.

Workouts for abs [] are only one part of the equation for getting a flat stomach. A full exercise program is vital, along with a diet plan. The problem is, it can often be tough to tailor a plan specific to your needs. But you can get all the help you need if you click here [].

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