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Are you bored of the same old crunches? Or maybe you don't like trainings focused on a particular muscle group, like the abs? Or maybe it's so nice and sunny outside that you want to move your workout sessions outdoors? Or maybe you want to have that sculpted six-pack, but not set foot in the gym? Whichever may be your case, do not worry. You may wish to try a fitness ab workout that, will get you fit, while toning your abs.

Jogging. We all know the wonderful benefits of cardio, the metabolism boost it promotes, the increased number of burnt calories, the rapidly shed kilos and the mood-elevator effect. But few of us know the effects of jogging on your abs. Jogging puts your abs to work, as the balance of jumping from one foot to the other has to be maintained by the abdominal muscles, which are contracted at all times.

Walking. Although not as efficient as jogging, walking also promotes overall weight loss due to its aerobic effects. Walking not only boosts your metabolism, but also strengthens your bones. Just like it happens while you jog, your abs are contracted during walking, in order to keep the balance.

Swimming is one of the most efficient ways of rapidly getting in shape. While you swim, almost all your major muscles groups are worked out, under the pressure of water. Plus, it offers a great anti-cellulite massage. Walking in shallow water can also be beneficial for the fitness of your body - especially that of the abs. The water makes the walking more difficult, thus requiring you to contract your abdominal muscles much more than you would during a walk on land.

Pilates has been one of the trendiest methods of getting fit. Its slow movements focused on balance, breathing and posture have helped many women get rid of the extra kilos and get in the shape they wanted. One of the core focuses of the Pilates exercises is the powerhouse, which includes the abdominals, the lower back muscles and the pelvic floor.

Zumba is a Colombian dance fitness program which combines music and Latin dance routines with aerobic exercises. The focus on strength training, fat burning and body sculpting, as well as on having fun while getting fit, have been a great mixture for many people since the 90s onward. Since many movements target the abs and hips, the zumba also trains the abdominal muscles.

Kickboxing is, definitely, a very efficient method of getting rid of all that negative energy. But it's also a great way of getting fit. As a demanding cardio training routine, kickboxing burns between 800 and 1000 calories per hour. Plus, the leg kicking and knee lifting pose great challenges for your abs, which have to be contracted at all times to maintain balance and support the effort.

Tae Bo is a mixture of martial arts and quick aerobic exercises that uphold getting fit. Similarly to kickboxing, the leg kicking will train your abs and turn them into that coveted six-pack.

Tyler Marin is a workout enthusiast and enjoys helping others by sharing his workout success secrets. Click here for additional free information on fitness ab workout suggestions to aid you in accomplishing your goals, or visit his website at and sign up for his free 10 day minicourse

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