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Binge Eating Disorders

That extra helping on Thanksgiving Day, or a few extra slices of the special homemade pie are completely acceptable even when your stomach is full to the brim. When overeating becomes regular and uncontrollable, it possesses a serious problem. This is often called binge eating. Forceful eating may be used to direct the mind away from negative emotions or feelings and cope with stress. The relief is only temporary and the eater finds himself or herself trapped in a vicious cycle of food food and more. The good news is that a binge eating disorder is treatable and with help, one can develop a positive eating routine again.

What Is Binge Eating?

Individuals consume large amounts of food when suffering from emotional turmoil or lacking control over one's life. The symptoms surface either in early childhood or adolescence, triggered by a major diet. Big eaters may eat all day long but usually an episode of binging can lasts for 2 hours. They will eat regardless of whether they are feeling hungry or already have a full stomach. Big eaters do not stop to enjoy the taste of food they are gorging on and mindlessly continue to stuff food into their bodies.

People suffering from this disorder often experience guilt, disgust, and depression. Aware of their lack of self control, they constantly beat themselves up about the effects of this compulsive eating. It is not that they choose to follow this haywire eating routine but simply believe that they cannot stop.

The Binge Eating Process:

Fast and favourite eating provides temporary comfort but then unpleasant emotions flush back into the mind. Binge eating leads to weight gain and self-loathing. Episodes of binge eating are most frequent during and after periods of depression. Hiding and stockpiling food in secret spots is also a behavioral symptom binge eaters cannot avoid. They may eat normally when in the presence of others.

The body can feel numb when eating a lot of food as if someone turned it on auto-pilot. Binge eaters can never feel satisfied with their food, no matter how much or what they eat. They are extremely desperate to control their weight but simply lack the motivation and drive to do so.

How to Diagnose Oneself of Binge Eating Disorder:

Answer these few very simple questions truthfully. What is the reason behind your food craving? Do you eat in secret or think about food all the time? To what extent and duration can you consciously control your diet?

A you looking for a well balanced diet that will not starve you then visit this website for more information on dieting advice, boundaries and much more.

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