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When you think of weight loss the first thing that probably comes to your mind is eating less or starving because that is what you have been told your whole life right? What if I told you that there are such a thing as weight loss shakes? The so called experts that said that eating more can make you fat probably didn't even know what they were talking about. The truth is that there are many foods that actually support healthy weight loss without the tired feeling that you get from eating less. These foods are metabolism-boosting foods and will help you lose weight fast.
Your body needs to burn calories just to keep you alive, that is your resting metabolic rate. If you eat less than that you will lose weight, but there is also another side to this. You can also increase your metabolic rate so you don't have to eat less; you can eat the same amount but lose weight, surprising right?
When people get older their metabolic rate starts to decline, that is why most of the teenagers are not fat in their younger years but get fatter as they get older. It is especially important for them to eat these foods so they can keep their metabolic rate even when they get older. These are some of the best metabolism-boosting foods out there and they are also very easily available.
1. It's a totally new world, eating peanut butter helps you lose weight, imagine that! Peanut butter is actually a great alternative to regular butter. Regular butter is rich in fat and cholesterol but Peanut butter is rich in protein and fiber. Protein gives you energy and fiber helps you digest. It is the perfect food if taken under a certain amount.
2. Green Tea: You have probably heard of this already but green tea is actually very effective for weight control. If you usually drink any other kind of tea such as black tea then it is recommended that you replace it with green tea as that is better than other types of teas. Green tea increases you metabolic-rate significantly which is the reason that many of the weight loss supplements out there have green tea as the common ingredient.
3. Weight Loss Shakes: Milkshakes and smoothies are a great way to increase you metabolic rate as well as get you required nutrients through fruits. Just get some fat free milk and put it in the blender with some of your favorite fruits. You can also add some protein supplement powder or egg whites in there if you want for an extra boost. It is recommended that you don't use sugar since fruits already have so much sugar in them.
4. Almonds: This is also one of the top weight loss foods to eat. Almonds are full of good fats. Good fats are (as the name states); good for you so try to get as much as possible of them. Also try to avoid as much bad fats as possible since they are the ones that actually make you fat. Almonds also have a lot of protein in them which makes you keep your energy when you are on a diet.
5. Beans: Beans are very good since they ate a good way to suppress your hunger. If you can suppress your hunger and increase your metabolic rate then you can just sit on the couch, watch TV and lose weight. Your body is going to do all the hard work for you. Yes its possible, not just in your dreams but in real life.
Remember to eat more of the foods described, peanut butter, green tea, weight loss shakes, almonds and bean and you will reach your weight loss goals in no time.
In reality weight loss is easy and painless if you get access to the right resources. There are a lot of information available about weight loss shakes [], for more information, visit Fast Ways to Lose Weight [].