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The yoga diet is an excellent way to compliment yoga and improve your health. If you are into yoga fitness and want to change the way you eat, the yoga diet will impress you with its vast knowledge about foods and how they work in your body.
Practicing yoga might not be enough to get the energy you want. Energy can be physical and mental as many of the foods around us can drain our energy. The yoga diet actually works to bring out your energy in a good way and leave you feeling your best.
The yoga diet uses the three Gunas as a basis for its beliefs. It means that energy has three qualities that exist to create balance. There are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. It is believed that these three things work to create inner peace. Sattva means purity, Rajas stands for activity and passion and the process of change, while Tamas stands for darkness.
To create the yoga diet you first need to make some changes to your diet. There are Sattvic foods that work with your body to help it feel healthier. This is the purest form of diets and it calms and purifies the body by giving it only pure foods. These foods include; cereals, whole-wheat bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit juices and milk.
Rajastic food is anything that is hot and spicy, bitter dry and salty. It is believed that these foods work to over stimulate the brain and body. It is also noted that eating fast is also unhealthy. A few examples of these foods include; coffee and tea, spices, fish, eggs, salt and chocolate.
Tamastic food is believed to give you know benefits at all. It has been linked to energy loss and making your body feel unhealthy. Over heating is also considered Tamastic. Foods that are a part of this group consists of; meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic and vinegar.
The ideal yoga diet consists of vegetarian foods. A misconception is that vegetarians are unhealthy because they do not get enough protein. However this is a myth, there is lots of protein in nuts and dairy that many vegetarians consume daily.
Benefits to being a vegetarian include many perks. You might have a less chance of developing a heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and some cancers. You also have a less rate of obesity.
Vegetarians are allowed to eat many great foods. These include; cereals, pasta, rice, fruit and vegetables, nuts, dairy, honey, and herbs. With a diet consisting of all these foods, you are sure to be able to make meals and snacks that will be quite nutritious and tasty.
Easing into a yoga diet might take some time. You might want to take it slow. Start by including more fruit and veggies, and slowly work meat out of your diet. If you begin with small steps your success rate may be higher.
Along with becoming a vegetarian you might also want to try fasting. It is an important component of yoga. It is believed that fasting can rid the body of toxins which in turn will make you feel better. Not only is it great for toxins it is also excellent for the mind as it takes allot of mind power to fast and stay focused. And staying focused is a key component of yoga.
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil