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Weight loss can be a really tricky customer to deal with. Not only is losing weight a process that requires commitment and dedication, but many diet plans out there make all the hard work go to waste with the lost weight regained after a while. This is in fact a problem that many people face and the reason why so many diet plans fail to be followed. Luckily, science has come up with ways through which weight can be lost effectiveness.

To ensure a healthy and effective weight loss process, here are five of the best weight loss tips:
1. Exercise:
While there is not anything new about exercise, the importance of it is underestimated in the process of losing weight. This is a big mistake to make as exercise is the factor which decides whether weight loss is temporary or permanent. Studies have shown that even 10 minutes of exercise daily is enough to keep those calories away. This is especially beneficial for people who face time constraints. The best part about exercise is that it does not have to be really intense. A simple walk in the park or swim in the pool can help burn a lot of calories, without making one perceive the whole process as a 'task'.
Also, research has shown that interval training is another excellent way, perhaps even a better way, of losing weight than normal exercise. Interval training is basically the performance of intense but short bursts of exercise followed by short rest periods. This helps burn fat quicker and sustains it throughout the day. Also, interval training is ideal for people who face time constraints and cannot perform an exercise for long periods of time.
2. Weight training:
Weight training is stated separately from other exercises simply due to the weight loss effects that weight training brings. Weight training helps build muscle mass. To help sustain this muscle mass, the body needs to burn calories. Thus, this is the reason why professional body builders eat so many calories in a day. Muscle burns a huge amount of calories for its own sustainability because muscle is an active tissue which fat is not. Therefore, weight training is vital for weight loss.
3. Become healthy, not skinny:
One of the best ways to go about the weight loss process is to keep in mind that being healthier does not necessarily mean thinner. This perception automatically leads to the consumption foods that pack all the vital nutrients. It also keeps a person away from starvation, a common act performed by many who wish to get skinny. Starvation has negative implications for the body as practicing it makes the body undergo a survival mode and store fats. Therefore, the focus has to be on giving the body the optimum levels of nutrition.
4. Exercise portion control:
The increased focus on large meals and enlarged servings at restaurants has led to normal sized servings go out the window. The best way to revert to consuming normal sized servings are to carefully monitor the size of servings one consumes. Ordering small meals or taking home half of the food from a restaurant is an excellent way to manage portion control. Another way to exercise portion control is to start eating in smaller plates. This makes the plates look full even when a less amount of food is eaten.
5. Manage a diary:
Managing a food diary can be an excellent way of creating self awareness and achieving weight loss success. Ideally, a diary should have all the details regarding what has been eaten during the day and how hungry one was before eating. Maintaining a diary makes a person more aware about what was eaten on the day which ultimately makes a person give up on the extra calories.
Another great benefit of keeping a food diary is that it helps a person set goals and check whether they are being followed or not.
All the ideas about losing weight are has been explained on above articles If you wished to know more please feel free to visit us on