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I get a lot of emails from people who have concerns about complying with the Medifast lean and green meal. Basically, this is the main meal that you make each day which includes lean protein and vegetables. This sounds simple enough but some people get hung up on the specifics of it. And a common concern is eating all of those vegetables.

I heard from someone who said: "I am wondering how people fit in all of those greens on the Medifast lean and green meal. I will be honest. I do not like vegetables. I will not have any problem coming up with the lean protein part of the meal. But I am lost on that many vegetables. How do people do it?" I will address these concerns below.
You Are Only Looking At Three Small Servings Of A Wide Variety Of Vegetables: Many people have the perception that the vegetables that they chose must be green. They truly don't. Yes, some of the non green vegetables have more starch so you want to use those a little more sparingly. But there are countless vegetables that are fair game and many of them are downright tasty. Basically, you get a larger serving (1 cup) of green vegetables and a smaller serving (1/2 cup) of vegetables that are less green.
I understand not liking vegetables. I was not a big fan either. But honestly, if you are going to embrace a healthier lifestyle with the intention of keeping the weight off, then you need to look at them a little differently. They are necessary for good health and for maintaining a healthy weight and when prepared correctly, they are delicious.
Here's some suggestions. I personally adore red peppers. I actually prefer them raw. But they are also wonderful in a simple stir fry of onions, mushrooms and peppers. (I also love this combination in an omelet with eggs being my protein for that meal.) Also, you can buy this or other similar combinations frozen if you want so that all you have to do is heat them up.
Another possibility is a simple salad of lettuce, cucumbers and carrots or broccoli. (And if you are in a hurry can you add some lean chicken and have a salad as your meal. I also know that many people buy these from a store or drive through restaurant as long as you are careful with the dressing.) Steamed vegetables can also be a wonderful way to quickly get a lot of vegetables. Think about peas with cauliflower and asparagus. I even know of people having simple tomato soup with some leftover vegetables thrown in. Speaking of tomatoes, sliced juicy tomatoes with basil is absolutely delicious.
I know that many people assume that vegetables are very bland. But there are a couple of things that you can do to counter this. You don't want to over cook or over steam them. I eat them raw quite often for this reason. You don't want for them to be limp. Instead, they taste better crisp in my opinion. I also use seasonings. I know a lot of people like fresh herbs but I really like Cajun seasonings or hot sauce on mine. Some people use lemon juice. As long as you aren't adding sugar, fat, or carbs, experiment and see what tastes good to you.
The whole idea is for this to be very flexible so that you can learn to make lot of choices that give you a lot of variety. You don't want to force yourself to eat something you aren't going to like because then you aren't likely to continue it. And the whole idea is cultivating a healthier lifestyle that you can maintain once the weight is lost.
Want more tips for saving money with medifast? Lindsey is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes coupons and discounts, a list of all of the food options (including the shakes,) detailed information about the diet and how it works, it's pros and cons, having success on it, and recipes for it. To get a free copy (immediate download/no information required), click here. You can also visit her diet review website to read it at