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For so many of us when we get divorced, we find ourselves in less than stellar physical condition. It's natural, right?

After all, we were married and no longer out on the prowl for a girlfriend and let's not forget that the last few years of the marriage were probably less than total bliss. Forget all of that, it's time to get fit now!
Forget what you see on TV where prisoners all look like bodybuilders, most people living in an unhappy environment end up letting themselves go. I know I did. But once I was out of the relationship something kicked in for me and I feel the need to share it right here.

You never planned on being single again, but you are. To make matters worse, you are older too. What's up with that! In certain ways your stress level is reduced but in other ways it's though the roof. Fitness and a fitness routine can play a vital role in getting you to the place you need to be.

I'll be honest, you need to find the best that's inside of you right now! You need to identify it, quantify it and use it. You need to earn money, you probably need more now than ever. You need to create an orderly life which promotes inner peace and creativity. And yes, you need to be attractive to the next lady in your life. She's out there looking right now, so you'd better get on the program in a hurry.

There are various kinds of fitness programs you can choose from. Some are meant to build large muscles, but those aren't for everybody. Some are meant to slim you down and build endurance. Depending upon where you fall on the fitness scale a nightly walk around the block may be your starting point. The whole thing depends on one thing, getting started.

For me, I began with running. I'm one of those people who really like to go on long runs, it's like meditation time for me. Last summer I completed the famous P90X workout program. I can safely say that I've never been in better shape in my life. But it wasn't easy! I began posting my experience on Facebook so all of my friends would know what I was doing and that way I couldn't just quit. They call that accountability and it works!

Another thing I have begun to do is to play tennis with a good friend every week. I thought I was in good shape until the first match, I wasn't. What surprised me was how quickly that changed. The quick starts and stops, swinging the racquet and reaching for the ball all became smoother and easier in just a few weeks.

Golf may not seem like an overly physical fitness regiment, but just try hitting 100 balls at the driving range and let me know how you feel in the morning! My clubs were very dusty that first time I brought them out after the divorce, but now they stay nice and clean, ready for the rounds that I now take the time to play.

I mentioned money before. Fitness and money go together in my mind. When I look and feel good, others react to me more positively and I end up with better opportunities and better results. You don't need to be an Adonis for fitness to work in your favor. Huge results take time, but thankfully incremental results are easily noticed by yourself and others. Don't you love it when someone says "Hey, have you been working out?", I know I do!

Oh yes, the ladies you'll be meeting. Do I need to explain this one? You have been gifted a second chance. You may not feel that way now but eventually you will. There are wonderful people and opportunities lying just ahead. Who will fare better when the moment arrives as it surely will. You have a choice to be the calm and collected man-about-town or the chubby and out of breath guy with mustard on his shirt. It's really that simple.

Rob Scalfaro is a writer, speaker and Entrepreneur.

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