Before I explain the benefits of yoga, let me explain the importance of our circulation system. Besides our limbs and brain functions, our circulatory system is just as important in keeping us going. It is also known as the cardio-vascular system consisting of our heart and blood vessels.
The hearts function is to supply blood to various parts of the body. That being said, our blood includes vital nutrients and oxygen which our organs require. Through our blood, those same nutrients and oxygen travels through our vessels.
Our heart comprises of four components which have a different function. The component on the upper right is what helps to collect our flowing blood from all over the body before proceeding to the lower right component.
The lower right component directs the blood into our lungs for purification. The purified blood is then sent back to the heart. This time within upper left ventricle from where it is transferred into the lower left compartment before emerging as clean and new blood to the rest of our body.
The blood operates mainly through main arteries which are thick tube like structures coming from our heart right in our body chest. The arteries spread into many sub arteries that in turn will split into thin-walled capillaries.
Those capillaries intertwined with our organs directly. Because of their thin walls they distribute oxygen and nutrition to our organs and tissues which require them the most. The old resources are removed from the tissue and back into the capillaries to be worked upon within specialized veins to transfer the impure blood back into heart to restart the whole process.
This is a tough job as the pressure has reduced this far from the heart so the veins are helped by valves to regulate the flow.
Another vital information to take note of is the way the circulatory system is set up is that it comprises of two main parts: the blood and the lymphatic system. It is the job of the lymphatic system to remove waste from the blood system.
The two different systems run almost next to each other but while the blood system has a pump as in the heart, the lymphatic system does not possess a single organ designed to function regularly. This job is handled by our muscles, which operates our lymphatic system by contracting and expanding. That is of course where Yoga comes in.
Yoga is not just a workout on our body but our minds as well. Our bodies we move about everyday with various poses and expressions are what help in clearing blockages within our circulatory system and making sure that everything is flowing at regular intervals from time to time.
It also helps in strengthening our muscles effectively over time with some effort on our part. This is also what helps to pump the lymphatic system and enable our bodies to function the way our minds want.
Because of that, people practising Yoga regularly can expect to achieve a greatly enhanced immune response system and will not be easily affected by diseases, infections and other illnesses.
Moreover those benefits began prior to that. Yoga sessions normally commerce with a series of standing exercises touching on long slow breathing exercises.
Those breathing exercises are typical to all kinds of yoga and compel us to focus on our breath. They also act as enlightening path trough our bodies each time we take a fresh breath.
The exercises are created specifically in the way that people do not feel restricted as to where and when they can practice in the way they want instead of normal yet slow breathing pattern.
Since our breathing are longer and deeper, our oxygen intake rises. Coupled with the enticing effects those exercises have on our blood circulation, the oxygen is easily distributed to our body muscles.
If those muscles, along with our other organs and tissues are not obtaining the necessary oxygen and nutrients, we will become vulnerable to all diseases and sicknesses.
Having said that, Yoga is certainly a great help to the complex and interlinking circulation system. For it understands the basis and importance of the system and restores balance to our bodies.
Janet Suzanna has been a fitness and yoga instructor for over 4 years.
Here is where you can find yoga classes.
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